Ivory Brites.com
263 W Olive Ave #130
Burbank, CA 91502
1 888 279 0604
You are NOT charging me $ 88.97 for a product that I did NOT order. I am returning the package, received 4/ 24 next business day unopened . Even worse, I have learned by calling my United + Ccard, you even withdrew 181.90 unauthorized.
If your product would be SATISFACTORY, you would have reorders. You would not have to “PLAN the SCAM ”
I have had samples before, and like yours, haven't even used them( becausse I was out of town, or). ... I have returned products that I bought, because I was not satisfied. I have never been “f o r c e d “to buy another one.
Your are using a very deceetful marketing scheeme And your advertising is missleading
I think, The Better Business Bureau, Media and Internett will be on my side