This is the copy of the complaint I have filed with Jack in the box. I would appreciate any help in this matter, this seems to be ongoing. I am concnern for my safety in this store.
Beth Lynn Hodges
Please see letter below.
August 25, 2009
Jack in the Box Inc.
Attn: Guest Relations
9330 Balboa Ave.
San Diego, CA
(858) 571-2121
Re: discrimination, harassment, intimidation and my safety in this store.
I am writing you to let you to let you know about the unfair practices of the harassment, and discrimination, intimidation, that went on in your store this morning, I have actually been enduring this for the past 3 years from one of your staff employee, named Jennifer out of the store :
94 East Cross timbers, (Fulton and cross timbers intersection) Houston, Texas 77022, 713-694-4956.
I come into this store on a regular basis. I live down the street, and walk in there often, sometimes several times in the day. I am attending the local community college up the street from this store, Houston community College.
I came in this morning for my usual breakfast, and bought 2 99cent tacos and 2 large cokes. Then my son decided he wanted an order of tacos, so we paid for that also. 2 separate tickets.
I went up to the counter when my name was called. And Jennifer said that I had to have my receipt to show I paid for the food. I did not have the receipt. I noticed, when she called on other peoples orders, she did not ask them for a receipt. It seemed that it was only for white people. If at all. Normally, when everyone else is there, they never ask me for a receipt. Only Jennifer. This seems to be an ongoing pattern with her.
This was done I feel in sheer harassment by Jennifer I feel. She was not asking anyone else in the store, if they had their receipt. Why does she asked them for a receipt when the order is already paid for, and what if I had thrown my receipt in the trash can then sat down after ordering?
Then I had to produce the receipt. Then later, when I went in for lunch, I noticed, she asked customer for a receipt because she saw me standing there, but did not ask anyone else. I feel she does this because I am white. Then I noticed at number 475, 476, 478 ticket numbers, that were called this afternoon, she did not ask them for receipts, but only the white people in this pattern. 474 was a white guy, and she asked for his receipt. So it is a pattern with her, of asking white people for a receipt. At least it was today at lunch.
I have also had a lot of problems with her in this store in the past. She has made constant ongoing disparaging remarks in regards to my teeth. Telling me I look absolutely terrible, they look really bad, and she says this really loud where everyone standing at the counter will take notice. I am in the process of getting my teeth fixed at this time; I don’t have the money for them. This is very humiliating and distressful.
She comments on how ragtag my clothes are. She says I never come in and look nice. Why? I walk there, and wear old clothes, because sometimes I walk and it is hot and I get sweaty.
She is very intimidating.
I have also noticed there are no white people that work in this store at all, and it doesn’t appear to meet the equal opportunity requirements for this store. I feel I am being zeroed out by Jennifer due to my race and ethnicity. This is a predominately Hispanic run store.
Also, on Wednesdays my child support shows up on the prepaid card Visa, , from the office of attorney general; and I take my son into this jack in the box, and use this card, so it registers how the money is being spent. It seems at times, that when the money is not there, Jennifer has waited on me,
She Comments really loud “YOU BROKE! YOU BROKE!” It is quite embarrassing, and then I pull a $ 20.00 dollar bill out of my pocket and pay for the food. Then I end up with a homeless person coming in when she is there, and come up to me and ask me for money, and ask me if” I can spare a dollar or buy them some food. “? Then they say “I know that you have money”
This seems to happen like clockwork. I would appreciate it if you could look into this practice; I am concerned as if she is setting me up to get robbed by a homeless person.
It happens every time I am in the store, when Jennifer is there when she is working the store by herself, as manager on duty.
I am highly concerned. I had a homeless man one time come to the store and to the booth I always sit in- and I was ignoring him, and he comes up to me and points his finger in my face, and says “I am talking to you!” really loud. I am very concerned over this. Every time the money does not show up on the child support prepaid visa, and is declined and I whip out the cash to pay, this happens every time, and Jennifer says that every time, “YOU BROKE!. I am starting to get very concerned for my safety in this store. I am concerned if this treatment is premeditated, and planned or sheer coincidental.
I am concerned also with every time I go into this store, it seems that the homeless people come in and ask me and everyone else as well, if “they have a dollar to spare.” I can’t even eat a meal without having this episode of the homeless coming in. Why is there not security in this store? To eliminate this problem?
I would appreciate if you would investigate this matter to eliminate such outrageous conduct for myself, and maybe perhaps others that may have suffered similar abuse.
I did report all these complaints with in the last 3 years, and nothing has been done, at all. These complaints fall on deaf ears. The recent complaint number is 248754 & 248757 were filed on today’s, date, and the rest can be found under my phone number. I have reported this and reported this treatment to no avail, and it seems that nothing is being done.
Other staff has seen her treatment this way many many times. It seems that nothing is done. I have reported it to the managers and it still goes on to no avail.
I would like to know why I am being judged in this store. I am a paying customer. Why does it matter what I look like?
I am always treated in an arbitrary manner when Jennifer is there. I ask myself why I continue to go to this store. There is not one anywhere else.
When I called into your customer service to report this complaint, I was asked by Andy the customer relations supervisor, if I know Jennifer outside this store. I told him No I don’t.
I don’t know her, Jennifer at all or anyone in this store outside of this store.
However, in light of the forgoing, I usually get exemplary service from everyone else in this store, Jessica, Martha, and Girget and all other staff.
I would request that either you or your representative contact me in regards to these issues in attempt to resolve these issues, in an amicable fashion to avoid expensive and protracted litigation.
Hopefully, this can be avoided; I thank you for your immediate attention and cooperation in this matter.
Beth Lynn Hodges
909 king street
Houston, Texas 77022
[email protected]