I ordered a custom Amy Butler fabric diaper bag with matching wipes cover from Jamie through the Etsy website on June 10, 2008. Jamie was more than pleasant to talk with initially, and offered several suggestions to making the bag look exactly like I wanted. I paid with Paypal, and she said she was "getting right on it". A week went by and I emailed her to check on the status of the bag. A day or so later, she told me her son had been in the hospital, but she'd get it done by the weekend and send it. I felt bad for her, and told her to take care of her son, I just wanted it by my daughter's 1st birthday which was July 2nd. After many attempts on my part, and many lies on her part I still have yet to receive my bag. She has not had any contact with me since she told me she was sending it out via UPS on July 5th even after I told her I would be filing a report with Etsy and Paypal if she did not respond within 48hrs. Now her Etsy account has been suspended, I'm out $59, and I have NO IDEA how to find this scam artist! If ANYONE can give me any info on this woman's address or phone number, please email me! I am moving forward with pressing charges against this woman for internet scams/fraud. It might seem petty, but criminals need to be punished!