[email protected]
[email protected]
Pound a Pixel
Jason came to me from Fiverr. He's advertising to get people to place images on his site & you pay by the pixel.
This was all new to me (size wise), so it took me a while to figure out the pricing & I had to get new banners created since mine were too large.
I had to search around for a suitable graphic designer & then paid for the banners, but around the time this all happened, we hired a business consultant & I told him that I would be placing a banner on this site.
He recommended I hold off since he was going to create a marketing plan for us.
I told Jason & also apologized to him as I knew this had dragged on for a couple of weeks. He wasn't the only one out, I had paid for banners I wouldn't be using, but that's not his issue, that was mine.
His mature response was "Thanks for wasting my time Michelle - Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device"
I was shocked by his immaturity, especially when I had told him I may still get back to him in the future & I apologized.
So I told him now he lost all chance of any future business & don't respond back to me & I blocked him.
I ended up seeing his response in the trash & once I saw it, I felt others need to know how he treats potential customers.
"Fuck you - Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device"