Blackmail upon Dr. Edward Lestrade of LLAGROUPEUROPE by attorneys Jay Adkission and Chris Riser - FBI investigating
A focussed blackmail attempt is being made upon Dr. Edward Lestrade and his firm LLAGROUPEUROPE by attorneys Jay Adkisson and Chris Riser.
When the attorneys were uncovered by Dr. Lestrade as being unlicenced to practice law in the United Kingdom as solicitors, they set upon an intensive campaign to discredit him and his firm and to gain money from him for him to stop it. They have posted numerous comments about Dr. Lestrade and his firm on their site: Quatloos/ Quatloosia and on similar message boards which aim to discredit Dr. Lestrade and his firm. At the same time, their 'reputation management associates have approached Dr. Lestrade and his companies demanding up to $30, 000 for the harrassment to stop. The attorneys have informed Dr. Lestrade that he had better pay up, or their harrassment will escalate and he will have to pay more money to them.
The FBI have been informed and an investigation is in process.
If you are being blackmailed by the two attorneys, please report this to your nearest FBI office and complain the bar of California where they are members.
Coalition Against Cyberbullying and Blackmail on the Internet