I have been paying on my JC Penney MasterCard now for 4-5 years and I owe more now than I did when I started. I have made no new purchases in about 4 years and back then I owed just under $2, 000 and now several years later i owe $2, 400!! It's absolutely ridiculous and impossible to payoff! At this point, I've probably paid 10x the original balance so I'm thinking about just stopping to pay them all together! I won't feel guilty either because I've most certainly paid back what I owed! I even went as far as putting them on a debt management program to see if that would help but they refuse to work with DMP's. There is just no way to pay down your balance unless you pay it
Off completely and it's not fair to consumers. Also, on my monthly statement it says by just paying the minimum you should pay off your balance in about three years! Well, that's BULLSH*T too because here I am going on my 4-5th years paying a little more than the minimum and I owe $600 more than what I started with!