I will never do business with either of these associated companies ever again. I had opened one of theo JC Penny Dept store cards around the holidays, ya know when they ask if you want to save the 10% opening the charge. I've often do so in stores only to pay charge in full and close the account if the purchase was large enough to warrant it. Doing so had never damaged my credit until now!
As it turned out I was living with the borderline personality sociopath who was unfortunately the mother of two of my children. We had no joint accounts, she had no permission to use my accounts or open any in my name or jointly. However, JC Penny decided to send me an opt out notice and upon no response upgrade my dept. store card to a Mastercard. I never received this notice she must have destroyed it. I never knew of the card either she opened it, activated it and charged up thousands of doallars on it including airfare online. Yes folks we're talking about multiple felonies that need prosecuted here.
I ended up discovering her fraud only after finding a statement she had thrown in the trash after I'm not sure how many months it had been activated and been used by her. I filed a police report and due to other legal actions ongoing witht his woman was advised to hold of on prosecution of thise offense. Now the police detective refuses to do anything about it. The District Attorney would do nothing. The police report was faxed and then mailed by mail to Brad Yantz, JCP Fraud dept. (who I am advised no longer works there, likely due to his overwhelming imcompetence and repeated refusal to get on the phone and defer to his assistant). JC Pennny's still done nothing sold account to collections and this has been on MY credit since.
Someone who's been in the top tier of credit scores his entire life now pays the price for the felonies of someone else, and they've refused to prosecute themselves despite constant efforts to correct this matter.
Now the circumstances of my situation are particularly unique, but still what if someone stole your identity, whether they lived with you or now. Would you want to do business with companies like this? Legally I can not be held accountable for this fraud yet still I am and my life has been a living hell since. I'm about to send them correspondance indicating I will seek representation for their failure to clear my name from this fraud as they are legally obligated to do.
My advice to anyone who's smart enough to take it. Don't do business with these companies and if you do and fall victim to fraud. ONLY communicate by them by mail certified return receipt and save all records of your communication. Their dishonesty or incompetence, whichever the case may be, is only surpassed here by the perpetrator.