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JCPenney Reviews

Marie A. Younkin March 22, 2010
SB FunFamilyRewards
I have been charged $9.95 for SB FunFamilyRewards. I did NOT authorize this to be deducted from my debit card! God only knows how long you people have been stealing my money. I actually thought JCPenney was a reputable company...guess I got fooled. Needless to say, I'll never buy another product from them. When I figure out how long my money has been taken without my permission, I will be contacting the Better Business Bureau.

Sincerely, Marie A. Younkin

address: 3500 Arcadia Road
Cherry Tree, Pa. 15724
e-mail: [email protected]
tiredofscammers123 March 13, 2010
This is absolutely ridiculous. Went online today to buy a pair of running shoes. They were 105.00 and I thought great...I can use my 20.00 off coupon. So I entered that and it came down to 85.00. Then the shipping tacked back on 14.75! Seriously?????? It costs almost 15.00 to send me a pair of shoes that weigh maybe a pound? I called JCP and of course no one could explain to me why the shipping is so high. They had no argument when I asked them how it's fair to charge someone according to how much they spent. You could buy a 300.00 item that weighs one pound! I know if they insure the item it's a little more but come on. I used to work with UPS and shipping departments and know how they work. It's ok to make sure you're covered as far as shipping goes...but it should be based on how much the item weighs and how far the item needs to be shipped. Shipping is obviously a huge money maker for JCP but I can say they will NEVER make another dime from me ordering online. Oh and by the way...I would have saved 2.00 if I'd shipped it to the store and drove a half hour to pick it up. LOL
You might ask why I didn't drive to the store and purchase the shoes...well that would be because they don't carry them in the store. Another one of my pet peeves. SO basically my 20.00 off coupon was more like 5.00 off a purchase over 100.00. HMMMM...doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out this is a SCAM!!!
Gustav February 19, 2010
Manager gave us false information
My wife and I were buying blinds for our home and noticed a 70% off sale at JCPenney. The measurements were entered in at a computer in the back, and the sale completed at the register up front. We wanted to shop the price around so we priced out one blind. At Home Depot the price of a 30" x 53" Bali Casual classic white satin pinstripe shade was 150.00. At JCPenney the price for the same exact shade is $566.00. Which seemed outrageous. But an "Event Retail price" was applied at the computer at the back which brought it down to $169.80. Still not competitive enough with Home Depot. That's when the manager, Henry moss stepped in and told me that the 169.80 had not yet received the 70% off. I pointed out the math and said that it looks as if it had. 169.80 happens to be 70% off of $566.00. He re-iterated and told me that the 70% off cannot be applied until the order gets to the register up front and rung up. To which I said let's ring it up and void it so I can see the price (which should come to about $50.00) Henry Moss told me that if he voids the order I will be charged 25% of the price. Also seemingly outrageous. I said "How do I know if I want it if I don't know the price?" And in front of 2 other employees pointed to the 169.80 and said "I swear to you 70% will come off of this price when you ring it up."' Just a little background, I have my MBA in finance from NYU, my wife who was also present, is the senior marketing director for credit cards at Citigroup. If there is one thing we know it's numbers. There was no misunderstanding. Henry made it clear at least three times. The information given to us by your manager was false.

I took all of the measurements around my house (14 windows) and drove back to JCPenney the following day. My wife and I spent 2 hours logging in the information into a computer in the back. It took this long because the woman who helped me was painfully untrained and had to re-enter the information several times. When the offer did not stand at the front register I demanded to speak to Henry, but he was not around. I got passed around to a few employees landing at Annah who took the information, left for an hour and came back telling us there was nothing she could do. 3 hours and 30 minutes total of my time in the store. The employees who were present at the time Henry told me about the price coming off at the register could not recall any details about the night before. I feel like I was reeled into making this huge investment just so Henry or one of the employees could make a commission. It also seems as if the price of the shades was jacked up to $566.00 so that JCPenney could bring the price down to a competitive level and call it a 70% off sale. I will be contacting Bali to investigate the possible price fixing.
Haylee January 17, 2010
Greasiness and Hair Loss
I had a reliable hair stylist that transferred from Regis to JCPenney in the local mall and I decided to keep her because she did such a good job on my hair the first time. I am a natural dirty blonde, but I like putting blonde highlights in my hair with dark redish brown underneath. Well, after she transferred to JCPenney I decided that I needed my roots redone, so I made an appointment about five months back. After it was all said and done, my hair LOOKED good, but if you touched it it felt really dry and brittle. Then, after I washed it 24 hours later it turned out SOOOOO greasy and nasty looking for several weeks! I was horrified! I didn't know what happened. I was afraid to go to work or school in fear that everyone would be looking at the back of my head and seeing the grossness. I tried lemon juice and vinegar, store bought stuff, had to shower in almost cold water just to try to eliminate the greasiness to absolutely no avail. Finally, I just had to wear it up all of the time to try to hide it. The only explanation that I could come up is that the chemicals in JCPenney's hair products were very toxic to my hair. I also noticed a significant amount of hair loss. I would say about half of my hair had fallen out and continues to this day to fall out!!! So my advice, stay away from their salons!!! If your favorite hair dresser has been transferred there it's probably not for a good reason!!!
Unhappy associate January 10, 2010
Employee abuse
The store manager is horrible. She has some sort of drug issue or something associated with being bipolar, because she is always nice one minute then she pretends like she doesnt know you, or say hello. She usually demands things instead of asking. Another thing is if you happen to do a mistake like.. GO to her for help about a issue or something along those lines she WILL get back to you and not give you the same amount of hours on your schedule until you get on her good side again.It's always a fear of speaking up about a problem with another associate or anything because we know she will get back at us by taking our hours away. Its horrible that any associate or person would take advantage of their power like that. SHE knows that she has power and she takes full advantage of it. She never keeps anything confedential, if you open up about anything within one day the whole staff will know about it. Even if its personal. SHE has threatened associates with firing them if they do or don't do what she ask from them or what's expected. Everyone really tries to understand her and get along but there is only so much we can take. Also she sends a few associates home for wearing appropriate career pants but she walks around with mini skirts and spaggety straps around the store. I just want to work somewhere fair. Another thing is that she has her favorites associates and treats them WAYY better then others. It's just not right. There is much more but I just wanted to say what no one is speaking up about.
Josill October 6, 2009
Scam charges
I can honestly say that I have never had as many problems with a service as I had with JCPenney optical. Too make a long story short, I paid extra (on a Sunday) in order for my glasses to arrive the following Tuesday (which the employee at the west side Madison, WI, JCPenney promised me they would), and it took three weeks and a lot of phone calls (from me to them, not vice versa) and visits (from myself and my dad) to finally get them.

After I called that Tuesday (the day they were due) to see if they would be in as promised, I found out they would not. I contacted the store nearly daily (they never contacted me) to keep me updated on the status of my order. I heard excuses, which may or may not be true regarding the reasons my glasses were not arriving each day I called.

Besides myself, my mom, dad, sister, coworker, and a lady on the van which I with ride to work, who were all very busy, were all affected in some way my the extremely unsatisfactory service I received. I don't believe any of them will ever purchase anything from JCPenney again without thinking of this experience, especially not glasses, unless they are reassured that there was a reasonable excuse for this sad excuse for customer service.

To shorten this up, I ended up receiving my glasses two weeks after the date they were due and was then told that the manager would contact me that Friday (not last Friday, but the Friday before). I stopped into the JCPenney on the west side of Madison to adjust my glasses, as they were tight on Saturday (the day after the manager was supposed to call me), and asked what happened since the manager never called me. He then stated I would be called on Monday or Tuesday the following week (now a week and two days overdue those delayed dates). I have received no reimbursement either.

I sent an e-mail stating the above after calling the help number which is posted on the counter at the JCPenney Optical in the West Towne Mall and hearing the e-mail address on the recording. I then received a call from U.S. Vision Inc. They left a message last Friday (August 15) stating I would receive a call yesterday (Monday), which I didn't.

About 20 minutes ago, however, I received a call from management of some sort at JCPenney. The lady listened to my story (as she had already read my e-mail) and offered me $40 back (after paying roughly $170), either as a gift card or credit back on my credit card. This would be a slight $30 over the $10 fee I paid for express delivery. I said this is not enough and that I though half of the money back after all of this trouble would be more feasible. She then said she could do $50 but no more. When I asked why, she stated that is the way it is and that they can't reimburse me the total amount as I have the product (the glasses) and they work, which is true.

I feel I should only be charged for what I received, half price as I received not even a half-hearted job.
TedI67 September 29, 2009
Bad treatment of employees with disabilities
I worked for pennys til today...i was fired because of poor prefomance so they say but its not true...i say that because for one on the busiest days they stuck me by myself in the mens department to do floor maintence keeping stuff straight and fitting rooms empty but also had to run regester.

on the days i was by myself mainly friday nights saterday nights we were swamped and had lines everywhere but they schedule one person..too much work for just one person to do on a weekend.

i have disabilities and i am able to do all of it but they used the disability against me in not in a wheelchair or anything.i currently feel they really discriminated against me because they knew i was disabled from the gecko.they gave me a raise then fired me the next day does that make any sense.

the store mananger and the management staff treats their staff with disrespect and be little coustomers and staff.
SDShopper September 18, 2009
Rude,ignorant JCPenney cashier
I had an unpleasant experience with a JCPenney cashier at 7007 Friars Road San Diego, California 92108 (Fashion valley mall)

.I had an egiftcard (electronic partner certificate) from Discover as part of their cahback bonus program for $50 which could be used either online or in any of their stores.It had a 16 digit code and pin that a cashier was required to enter while processing the order.Firstly, that old cashier lady looked at the piece of paper in disbelief saying she's never seen anything like this before and refused to believe me.She even said that their store doesnt accept egiftcards even though it was explicitly mentioned in the printout of jcpenney egiftcard policies that they do.

She even told me that 'she doesnt think its legit' thus treating me like some cheap swindler out to cheat jcpenny!I also had a 15% off coupon (cos i had filled out a survey) and she said they cant accept 2 discounts.I had to explain to her that a gift card is not a discount so i was only using 1 discount and she said haughtily ' I can read'.

Finally after 30 minutes of humming and hawing and 2-3 half hearted attempts at entering my giftcard code she gave up and said ' I can't lose my job for u' as if i was asking her to do something illegal!She called up 'security' and they said their store doesnt accept such giftcards!

What frustrated me to the core was that I had used a similar kind of gift certificate just the previous day (another cashier) at the same store successfully but today no one seemed to know how to use it and policies seem to have changed overnight!

In all i spent 45 minutes there and since i'd spent an 1 hr before selecting and trying on clothes I paid for it in full anyway and left as I had to get somewhere else.

I think when companies decide to have partnership programs (points and giftcards) they should make sure that all their employees are aware of them and the procedure to accept them.

She could have atleast behaved like i had a legit claim and treated me with some respect and apologized for her ignorance about partnership policies.

Also, Discover card is advertising their 5% cash back so strongly...they should expend some energy in ascertaining their their partners are aware of it too so that their customers dont need to bear the brunt of someone else's ignorance.
Bigmag August 30, 2009
Terrible experience
I Was In The Store Today In New Braunfels Texas to see what sales I could find since our state was doing a Tax Free weekend. I walked the store as Ive done before and stopped and glanced at the shoes only to be annoyed that the 3 employees working the department were all loud and talking to each other and other customers were helping them selves so I kept Walking on.

Finding the small kitchen appliance's I looked at the microwaves and other home products with no problem then i continued to the men's clothing are first was the dress clothes and then sportswear's where I usually shop but today i was interested in jeans so that's where I headed I usually take a while to decide on what jeans if any I really like doesn't matter what store I'm at so I'm looking at some t-shirts that are directly in front of the jeans then i make my way to the jeans and there is a young teenage associate working the men's jean department she says hello and I reply back hello and how was her day going she told me fine and if I was finding everything OK I said yes she was very Friendly.

She then stated to me she had to re-due the jean shelves along the wall because there were all mixed up with the sizes and shades. That being said i continued to look around not just in her area but all around as well but the are she immediately was in had the type of Levi's Jeans I really like to wear so I waited around a bit looked at there cheaply priced jeans and walked around a bit then went around to her area she asked me what type of jean and the shade i liked she showed me a couple we chatted a bit and I continued walking around and sizing up the other styles and shades the whole time! I had been in the department i guess only 10 mins and one of her bosses who had been looking at me while i was browsing most of the time came to the female associate and asked if he could talk to her a minute! a couple of minutes later she comes back and says that her boss told her to tell me that i needed to leave and that if i didn't leave when she asked me to that he would ask me to leave and that if i was shopping to shop and it would be fine! by no means was i flirting or all over the female employee hello shes a teenager and I'm an adult way over the legal age to know better anyway she would be jail bait! I have a partner I don't need to hit on a child thank you! So I went ahead and left *** coward wouldn't show his face to me so he could tell me in person! I will not go back to that store at all! I always take my time looking and browsing at stores like Bealls and Macy's with no problem it makes no sense to me I was not wearing baggy clothes to give him the idea i was gonna steal besides that would be a *** stereotype i don't fit in at all! Not that its anyone's business to tell me how to dress! Or for me to tell anyone else... guess were limited to 10 minuets at the New Braunfels Store!
Tommy July 18, 2009
Unauthorized charges
My wife and I were buying blinds for our home and noticed a 70% off sale at JCPenney. The measurements were entered in at a computer in the back, and the sale completed at the register up front. We wanted to shop the price around so we priced out one blind. At Home Depot the price of a 30" x 53" Bali Casual classic white satin pinstripe shade was 150.00. At JCPenney the price for the same exact shade is $566.00. Which seemed outrageous. But an "Event Retail price" was applied at the computer at the back which brought it down to $169.80. Still not competitive enough with Home Depot. That's when the manager, Henry moss stepped in and told me that the 169.80 had not yet received the 70% off. I pointed out the math and said that it looks as if it had. 169.80 happens to be 70% off of $566.00. He re-iterated and told me that the 70% off cannot be applied until the order gets to the register up front and rung up. To which I said let's ring it up and void it so I can see the price (which should come to about $50.00) Henry Moss told me that if he voids the order I will be charged 25% of the price. Also seemingly outrageous. I said "How do I know if I want it if I don't know the price?" And in front of 2 other employees pointed to the 169.80 and said "I swear to you 70% will come off of this price when you ring it up."' Just a little background, I have my MBA in finance from NYU, my wife who was also present, is the senior marketing director for credit cards at Citigroup. If there is one thing we know it's numbers. There was no misunderstanding. Henry made it clear at least three times. The information given to us by your manager was false.

I took all of the measurements around my house (14 windows) and drove back to JCPenney the following day. My wife and I spent 2 hours logging in the information into a computer in the back. It took this long because the woman who helped me was painfully untrained and had to re-enter the information several times. When the offer did not stand at the front register I demanded to speak to Henry Moss, but he was not around. I got passed around to a few employees landing at Annah Moore who took the information, left for an hour and came back telling us there was nothing she could do. 3 hours and 30 minutes total of my time in the store. The employees who were present at the time Henry told me about the price coming off at the register could not recall any details about the night before. I feel like I was reeled into making this huge investment just so Henry Moss or one of the employees could make a commission. It also seems as if the price of the shades was jacked up to $566.00 so that JCPenney could bring the price down to a competitive level and call it a 70% off sale. I will be contacting Bali to investigate the possible price fixing.

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