My daughter is conscientious and thoughtful in all that she does. She is getting married in June 2005, and had been looking for some shoes and gifts for her bridesmaids at J. CREW'S website. Incidentally, she spends a considerable amount of $$$ with them least SHE USED TO!
The order was for a total of $140. The shoes did not fit well and the purses she received were poorly made and much smaller than represented on their web page. She immediately returned the order, the same day in fact, using the enclosed "smart label". The paperwork she left me made no mention of any penalties for returning items and simply noted the procedures to follow.
Imagine my surprise when, having waited a FULL TWO WEEKS, the credit was issued in the amount of $118.75. This represents a loss of a full 15% of the original order cost. When I called J. CREW, a CSR politely informed me that this was their policy and the charges ranged from shipping, to a return fee, to some mysterious tax on the whole deal. I thanked him and suggested that J. CREW might want to look at NORDSTROM'S policies and adopt their strategy, which is returns are welcomed with no strings attached.
I asked for a manager, however, I was informed that the manager was "busy"; so much for customer service. I offered my e-mail address for management to follow up with but I don't think I'll hold my breath.
Caveat: Be sure of what you order from J. CREW, because you will pay handsomely if you receive something junky and then opt to return it. Their prices are on the high side, I think high enough that they should offer PREMIUM customer service not MARGINAL customer service as we have received.