Jerome Tether
17 gorsedale
hu7 4au
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]
Company registration number: 6874075
Phone: +44 1482348002
Item: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170539609813
I purchased an account from him. 60 Days after the transaction, the guy recalled the account on me. Now I am out $1, 950.00+ which was a gift to my son who recently was diagnosed with cancer. This is the only thing that keeps him positive to get through the days and this guy crippled him.
While it's a term of violation in eve online to sell an account, eve does allow you to transfer a character to a new account. However this guy disputed both and now we're out everything we purchased.
I am warning you all to stay away from this guy at all costs. I lost $1, 950 to this guy and you will likely lose your money to.