we stood at the counter talking to a teller in absa bank, left a beach bag on the floor at our feet, and someone stole it.
I had a small clutch bag inside with my wallet, containing all my holiday money, my phone.
anyway the security there in absa in adderley street, capetown, almost didnt understand english when we asked them if they'd seen anyone. Apparently according to the head of security there, they dont train their own security staff.
the bank listened but thats about it.
the reason we were there was we had unsuccessfully tried to open a current account for two years, we were told go home and send the requirements to me, which is what we did two years running, then this time we were told to go hom and email the requiremnts. i wasnt prepared to go home again, knowing nothing would be done once we left the bank, on this day they kept us an hour and a half standing at the counter, and we lost our possessions.