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molyholy July 12, 2011
Job scam
From: NATO INTERNATIONAL <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 08:56:44 +0530


*MC HQ Northwood*

*Atlantic Building*

*Northwood Headquarters*

*Northwood, Middlesex*

*HA6 3HP*

*United Kingdom*

*Email: *[email protected]<http://au.mc1134.mail.yahoo.com/mc/[email protected]>
www.ntointl.net * *

*Attention Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *

*We have received your mail with resume but as the recruitment Divisional
Officer of NATO, we generally welcome your interest to be one of our
workers who is willing to work with us. I have gone through your working CV and found details quite interesting but we need more conviction in other to grant you this Job. Your qualifications are quite interesting. Our company management appreciates your eligibility to work in our company but need total devotion and adheres to company’s instructions. Job position will be available to your after filling the application form attached with this mail.*

* We are having vacancies here in which your qualification is in line with.
The vacancy we have in our company falls in your category. So you have no other option than to be prepared to pursue your documents which are the ultimate and will guarantee us of your readiness and seriousness which will enable you to come over here. We offer free Accommodation to our candidates as soon as they are through with their travelling documents from the British Embassy in their country through our coordinator in BHC. Other benefits will be available if we find your filled application worthy in agreement*

*Attached to this mail is Application Form which you have to print out, fill
and send back to us as an attachment via email. You are expected to fill
your information as it will be attended officially here in the office by the
concerned company officials. Please note that that all applicants bears the
cost of VISA to assure us of his or Her reliability and the said is
refunded back while we provide free air ticket with family if any. We
are only going to offer you a salary of GBP.10, 000 for a start per month
only when you resume work with us.*

* We are anticipating a quick response to the form which you have to fill
and send to us not later that three days from the time received. Late
submission of this form indicates un-seriousness of candidate except a
letter of apology is sent. Then you will be informed of the next step to be
taken. You should be fast with this enrolment because time is no longer on our side now. Fill and send the form immediately via email only. *

* Yours faithfully, *

*Richard Clement [NATO INTERNATIONAL] *

*Recruitment Divisional Officer*

Please answer each question completely. Print in ink.
If certain items require more space, repeat their item numbers and
continue on plain paper.

Répondez en détail à chacune des questions, à la machine ou en
lettres majuscules. Si vous manquez de place, continuez sur une
feuille séparée en indiquant le numéro de la question.
Leave blank Laissez en blanc attach identity photograph -
fixer une photographie d’identité

1. Family Name - Nom de famille
First Names - Prénoms
Former names - Autres noms

2. Mailing Address/Tel/E-mail - Adresse postale/Tél./Courriel

3. Permanent Address/Tel/E-mail - Domicile permanent/Tél./Courriel

4. A) Country and Place of birth
Pays et lieu d’origine

B) Date of Birth
Date de naissance

C) Sex

D) Marital Status
Etat Civil

5. A) Citizenship at birth
Nationalité à la naissance

B) Citizenship now
Nationalité actuelle

N.B. if 5A and B different, attach explanations
Si 5A et B diffèrent, joindre des explications.

6. Give the following information about persons fully dependent upon you for financial support.
Donnez les renseignements suivants sur les personnes qui sont, financièrement, entièrement à votre charge.
Name of Dependent
Nom de la personne à charge
Date of Birth
Date de
Degré de parenté
Name of Dependent
Nom de la personne à charge
Date of Birth
Date de
Degré de

7. How much notice would you require to report to work? Dans quel délai pourriez-vous entrer en fonction ?

8. A) For what kinds of work do you wish to be considered?(Mandatory)
Quelle est la nature des fonctions que vous désirez remplir ?

8. B) do you hold a valid NATO Security Clearance?
Etes-vous titulaire d’une habilitation sécurité en cours de validité ?

A) College or University - Facultés ou grandes Ecoles.
Name and Place Years attended -
Années d’études
Degrees, Honours Major subjects
Nom et lieu From - de To - à Grades universitaires - diplômes Principaux sujets d’études
Passport number Bellow
Drivers License Bellow
Mobile No :
Signature : ________________________

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: NATO INTERNATIONAL <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 20:27:54 +0530
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


*MC HQ Northwood*

*Atlantic Building*

*Northwood Headquarters*

*Northwood, Middlesex*

*HA6 3HP*

*United Kingdom*

*Email: jobs*@ntointl.net<http://au.mc1134.mail.yahoo.com/mc/[email protected]>
www.ntointl.net * *

* *

*Attention xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

*we have received your mail with your filled attached application as a step
of willingness to join this organization. We appreciate your interest to
work in our company. We have gone through the filled application letter and experience and we have also search for a suitable position to fit your
qualification and have made us to offer you a position as:MOULD DESIGNIG*

* *

*Due to your educational background, *

* In this mail there is an attached document called the Worker's Agreement Letter, which you have to read with carefulness, print out in colour, sign and return it back to us immediately for other official endorsement. Note that you have limited time in signing this document in other to indicate your interest of enrolment in our company with all the legal formalities being completed including the Visa and Ticket processing period. After receiving the duly signed agreement, you will rely open the interview for you to have 100% chance in joining our company which you have to answer with all carefulness. If passed the online interview, you will be allowed to contact our Coordinator in British High Commission Embassy according to the job location give by us*

* Moreover, you are expected to follow the company's travelling schedules.

So ’for this reason, you should have arranged for the processing fees and
get yourself ready. Your readiness will enable our Asia zone coordinator and British embassy officials to facilitate the immediate processing of your
travelling documents without any delay, what this means is that, all
applicant will take care of their travelling expenses, and other relevant
document with our coordinator/British Embassy, our company can only provide flight ticket and house accommodation and all the expenses incurred during their travelling document procurement will be reimburse within 3 days of their arrive in Berkeley upon submission of receipt of expenses.*

*Print out these documents and sign after reading it and send it back to us for office use and part of the documents will not be left out, please send the document as directed, waiting to receive this agreement letter dully signed as soon as possible.*

*Yours faithfully, *

*Richard Clement** [NATO INTERNATIONAL] *

*Recruitment Divisional Officer*

(Signe with pen and return entire
State of Origin______________________________ Mobile Number ________________________________
Full Name: ________________________________________ Date: /______ /________/______________
This Agreement is made this day (the "Effective Date"), between NATO CORPORATION., (the "Company"), whose mailing address is Middlesex and the candidate, (the "Candidate"),


A. the Candidate and the Company are parties to an employment Agreement on the date signed (the "Original Agreement"), whereby the Candidate agreed to serve above named company

B. the Candidate and the Company desire to renew, extend and modify the Original Agreement on the terms set forth herein.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the Company and the Candidate agrees as follows:

1. EMPLOYMENT: The Company hereby employs the Candidate to work with Nato with all sincere of hearth, and to perform such other duties for the benefit of the Company as may from time to time be directed or requested by the Company acting through the Company's Chief Executive
Candidate. The Candidate's title will remain the position which is drafted in the letter sent along with this attachment. Other details will be available on resumption of work

2. TERM. The employment provided for herein shall commence on the Effective Date of signatory and end in five years time and will be calculated accordingly (the "Term"), provided that the Term will be
automatically extended for one year on each anniversary of the Effective Date beginning on Signatory date unless either party gives written notice to the other no later than 60 days prior to The end of the Term (as extended) that the notifying party does not elect to extend the Term. Upon expiration of the Term, the Candidate's employment with the Company will terminate unless the parties agree for the
Candidate to remain employed as an employee at will of the Company or unless the parties enter into an additional written agreement governing their relationship.

3. EXTENT OF SERVICES. The Candidate shall devote his best efforts and full business time and attention to furthering the business of the Company and shall not during the Term hereof be NATO CORPORATION
LTD Engaged in other activities either directly or indirectly that require similar services or that require NATO CORPORATION
MC HQ Northwood Atlantic Building Northwood
Headquarters Northwood, Middlesex
HA6 3HP United Kingdom
Such substantial services on the part of the Candidate that the Candidate is unable to perform the duties assigned to him by the Company. The foregoing shall not be construed as preventing the Candidate from maintaining or making investments in any class of securities of a company or from holding working interests, overriding royalty interests or royalty interests in any oil and gas property, or from owning interests in partnerships engaged in the oil and gas business, provided that such investments do not require services on the part of the Candidate that would impair the performance of his duties under this Agreement or would create a conflict of interest for the Candidate with the Company.

(a) SALARY. Candidate shall be compensated by a salary in the amount of GBP.84, 000.00 (Eighty four thousands Great British Pounds) per annum payable in substantially equal monthly installments during the term hereof. The Candidate's salary shall be subject to review Annually and any variation resulting from such review shall take effect thereafter as if such salary amount was specifically provided for herein; provided, however, that the Candidate's salary during The Term shall never be reduced and shall be raised annually beginning in from the first year no
less than the percentage equal to the annual rate of inflation for the prior full calendar year as measured by the UK. Consumer Price Index or an alternative comparable national index if that index is not published. The said salary is tax free.
(b) BENEFITS. Candidate shall be entitled to participate in any of the Company's benefit and Deferred Compensation Plans as are from time to time generally available to the Candidates of the Company, including the Company's 401(k) plan, medical and dental plans, and life and disability
insurance plans (provided, however, that the Candidate's benefits may be modified or the Candidate may be denied participation in any such plan because of a condition or restriction imposed by the Plan, applicable law or regulation of a third-party insurer or other provider in relation to
participation of Candidates; and provided further that the Candidate's benefits may be modified as reasonably necessary in order to account for differences in plans available in UK). Free family suit accommodation and provision of flight ticket as a foreigner The current employee benefit plans of The Company is described in Exhibit A attached hereto.
(c) BONUS. Candidate shall be entitled to participate in the Company's bonus program applicable to other Candidates of the Company. The parties intend and anticipate that the Company will have a bonus program based on the success of the Company in meeting its goals for each year and on the success of individual Candidates in meeting their individual goals; however, nothing in this Paragraph shall be construed as obligating the Company to award bonuses in any given year to
Company Candidates in general or to Candidate provided that the Company does not discriminate against Candidate in failing to award a bonus to him under circumstances in which it is awarding bonuses to other Candidates.
(d) STOCK OPTIONS. Candidate shall be granted an option under the Company's Equity Incentive Plan to purchase 75, 000 shares of the Company's common stock, at a purchase price equal to the Deferred Compensation Plans as are from time to time generally available to the Candidates of the Company, including the Company's 401(k) plan, medical and dental plans, and life and disability Insurance plans (provided,
however, that the Candidate's benefits may be modified or the Candidate may be denied participation in any such plan because of a condition or restriction imposed by the plan, applicable law or regulation of a third party insurer or other provider in relation to participation of Candidates; and provided further that the Candidate's benefits may be modified as reasonably necessary in order to account for differences in plans available in UK).Free family suit accommodation and provision of flight ticket as a foreigner The current employee benefit plans of the Company are described in Exhibit A attached hereto.
(c) BONUS. Candidate shall be entitled to participate in the Company's bonus program applicable to other Candidates of the Company. The parties intend and anticipate that the Company will have a bonus program based on the success of the Company in meeting its goals for each year and on the success of individual Candidates in meeting their individual goals; however, nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as obligating the Company to award bonuses in any given year to Company
Candidates in general or to Candidate provided that the Company does not discriminate against Candidate in failing to award a bonus to him under circumstances in which it is awarding bonuses to other Candidates.
(d) STOCK OPTIONS. Candidate shall be granted an option under the Company's Equity Incentive Plan to purchase 75, 000 shares of the Company's common stock, at a purchase price equal to the (b) The Candidate further understands and agrees that: (I) Prior to the Date of Termination, except in the performance of his duties for the Company, the
Candidate will not directly or indirectly, individually or as an agent, Candidate or 3) employee of another, participate in or otherwise be involved in the review, interpretation or evaluation of geological or
geophysical data pertaining to, the negotiation, acquisition, or disposition of, or the supervision of the development of, in each case, Prospects identified or generated by the Company's NATO Corporation team during the Term of this Agreement; and
(ii) After the Date of Termination, the Candidate shall be released of the foregoing covenant as to all areas, including but not limited to the Berkeley region, of the continental UK which are not designated by the parties as "Reserved Prospects" in the following manner. The Candidate shall submit to the Company a list of all Prospects identified or generated by the Company's Berkeley team during the Term of this Agreement which have not been either acquired or rejected for acquisition by the Company, and the Company will either approve such list within 30 days of submittal or 30 days after the Date of Termination, whichever Last occurs, or within such period notify the Candidate of any additions to, subtractions from, or other proposed changes to such list. As to those Reserved Prospects to which the parties agree, the Candidate will not directly or indirectly, individually or as an agent, Candidate or employee of or advisor to another undertake any action for a period of one year from the Date of
Termination and the Candidate will continue to be entitled to his share (determined as of the date on which notice of termination is ...
Executive Signature Candidate Name & Signature
------------------------------- _________________
Richard Clement
Nato Corporation Ltd

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