John Robert Powers Scottsdale scammed my husband and I out of 2000 dollars for classes for our daughter and for photos we NEVER recieved. Everytime we called for our photos they made excuses, here is a copy of their email we still to this day DO NOT HAVE ANY PHOTOS Instructors would leave my child standing their with no instructor because they wouldnt show for work. My daughter would call me crying because they put her in with the older kids twice her age. They scammed us out of 550 for photos.
I just want to say again I am sorry. I understand you are doing what you feel is necessary. Please know I have been trying to get these photos out for a long time. When I first started I was under the impression they were done. As you know that was not the case, and we had to start from scratch around January. It has come to my attention part of the problem was also because the printer we use was in the process of moving. I don't know what the delay is now. I talked to Diana briefly before she called your cell phone and she was talking about going to someone else. I personally understand your frustration, whatever you decide I will try to help. I just feel bad because I feel like I haven't really been able to help much with this situation. Let me know if I should be expecting a cancellation letter to the office. Just send it to my attention so I can begin processing.
JRP Scottsdale
9059 E. Bahia Dr. #100
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
480.947.5046 fax