John Vincent Montero (aka John V Montero, attorney at law, or Montero Law), Sacramento, California.
John Montero sounds very persuasive when you go in for your initial consultation but once he gets your money, he does very little for you. Each month he sent me bills for his "attorney fees". The fees kept going up each month. Each time my ex's attorney sent John a letter, he would charge me at least $100.00 (sometimes $150.00 or more) just to make a copy of the letter to file a copy in my file and send me a copy to my address. Then I would have to call him to schedule a phone or in person appointment to go over the documents that was sent from my ex's attorney. He would charge me another $150.00 or more just to tell me what the documents were about. Then he would charge me again to file the reply in court and the fees very easily added up to over $5, 000.
What did I get for the $5, 000? No help from John Montero, other than him telling me what the documents were about (which I can do myself by reading the document) and photocopying and filing the papers in a file that he created for me.
My ex through her attorney filed petition in court to ask for spousal support. My ex understated her income. I asked John to subpoena my ex's paycheck but he didn't. But my ex's attorney subpoeaned my paycheck. Later on on my own, I found was able to show that my ex had understated her income. Then instead of bringing the lie (the understatement of income my ex filed in her petition) to the judge's attention to have the spousal support terminated for the lie, John got together with my ex's attorney and then he pressured me into accepting the lower spousal support (based on the correct income) but he never for even once bring to the court's attention that my ex had lied about her income.
It was same situation with division of property. My ex wanted to get half of the value of my car (which I bought before marriage), wanted half of my bank balance, etc. but my ex didnt even list her car as the community property. I had to bring to court a copy of my car registration to show that I had purchased my car before marriage and therefore it was my separate property. John didn't even ask my ex to show a copy of her car registration. I told John that my ex had purchased the car during marriage but she didnt list it as community property but John didnt even bring that to courts attention or subpoena my ex to bring a copy of her car registration. As for the money in my bank account, I was married to my ex for less than a year and the money I had in my bank account was what I had saved before marriage. I was unable to save much money during marriage because I was spending most of the money to go out on honey moon, vacation, dinner out, movies, etc. But when I was single, I was able to save that money slowly over 5 years until I got married. I tried telling John that money is not community property because it took me 5 years to save that money but John didnt help me fight to keep that money. At the end, I had to give half of that money and half of pretty much everything else I had (even though I had some of those items such as the money before I got married) (I was able to keep my car only because I had the car registration to show that I had purchased the car before getting married) but in return I got nothing from my ex, even though she had purchased the car during marriage and she was able to save money during marriage (because I was the one paying all the bills, for movies, for dinner, etc) and she was saving her money.