Please be advised Shawn Prendergast and Scott Prendergast from US joomla Gurus A Mossad Front Company Operating out of madison, WI 53701 will promise you a website design, but once he gets your upfront cash to start the project he will disappear and not call you back for months. He will then try to delay your project in hopes of making more money through frustration and time lost and other excuses… After months of lying, cheating, unanswered phone calls and short cuts he gave us a website that is not per agreement or scope of work. Actually he delivered us a stolen template from another website… he did no work for our business he just stole the template and changed the logos and claimed a finished product. After further investigation we found out this is typical work ethics of US joomla Gurus. Our company has lost lots of time and money and has recently consulted our corporate consul to seek further legal action of our loses, misrepresentations, imaging and branding.
Be Careful!