October 13, 2008
Unprofessional Techs/Leave work unfinished
We continually are dealing with this company to finish instillation of a new air conditioner in our house even though we've paid in full the amount owed for the job. On the customer receipt, it mentioned "Payment due upon completion" so we didn't have to pay until they were done. The problem is, since the beginning of August, when they initally came 'till now, they've displayed unprofessionalism in my household. The first time they came, it took all day to install and then, I was told by my significant other that they needed to come back to finish. My significant other told me they said they would call before showing up. That didn't happen, the guy showed up without calling. I confronted him on that and he blew me off. Instead, talking to my significant other, he said something about finishing up because "she's mad". I was even more angry and told him of course I was upset because of his unprofessionalism. The confrontation caused my significant other to get in between me and the tech, known as Billy. So there was an argument there. Billy gets all mad and says "I don't take this from nobody" and he prompts my significant other to sign a receipt and pay for a job that Billy didn't finish. Billy said he'd return to finish another day. Guess what, he never did. So, we waited a week. After I tried to call (getting a snappy customer service woman on the phone who didn't have time to listen to my complaint) my significant other had to call to get someone out here to finish. They did call before coming, but then tinkered around and eventually said they needed another part, a thermacouple to go on the heater. They left again, and we waited another couple or so weeks for them to call back and finish what they started. We finally call the company to tell them that we were told they would call us when the part came in. We haven't heard a thing from them. First, let me say that to get someone to come out, first we have to talk to a customer service person who then forwards your request to someone else to call you back. Then you have to explain again the situtaion to that person who can dispatch someone to fix the problem. They keep sending the same unprofessional people out here. Anyway, after reaching someone, we were told that someone would SUPPOSEDLY come and finish tomorrow. How many times must a customer track down people in a company to get a job done? And we have paid them! This company, as a whole, is disrespectful to its clients. There is no professionalism exhibited with the techs OR the customer service staff. Avoid Jordan Air Inc. if you want timely, satisfactory work done. I am just plain irritated at the way they've dealth with my significant other and I and I want the job to be finished and for some respect to be afforded towards their clients.