JP Morgan Chase Bank
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JP Morgan Chase Bank Reviews
May 28, 2010
Buyer beware
I was a credit card holder of Providian Financial Services, until it was taken over by Washington Mutual, then about a year ago, it was taken over by J.P. Morgan Chase. In the four years I had this credit card I never had any problem with Providian or Washington Mutual. When Chase took over, I was mailed a letter stating that my APR would be arbitrarily increased by 12% due to the sagging economy. I was given an opt out option to the increase if I was willing to close the account and pay off the balance in regularly monthly payments, (just as I had been), but the card would be inactive and I gladly accepted. I closed the account to keep my APR 9.9% and all seemed fine. I shredded the card, and planned to pay off the balance. My APR did not change for 3 months, when one day I went online and found my APR to be posted as 22%. I called the customer "service" department and was told that they never promised me an opt out and that in fact, they showed no record of my conversation with customer service 3 months earlier! I told them the name of the person I spoke with, the date and time, (as I always write notes with stuff like this), and they denied having anyone by that name working for them. I told them they are committing fraud and that I would report them to the Federal Trade Commission and all agencies I could to include the Better Business Bureau and the person I spoke with said, "you can do as you wish, your APR is still going to be 22%". I told them it could be a cold day in *** before I submit to corporate greed and strong arm business tactics. I also told them they could find someone else to try to screw because the screw was coming back to them this time. I told them I would NEVER pay a dime on this account until the lowered my APR back to 9.9%. I had NEVER missed a payment in all the years I had the card, nor had I overdrawn it. I was I admit paying just over minimum payments for the last 8 months but I was in good standing and should not have been levied a 12% APR increase due to an economy they helped to destroy. To this day (a year later), Chase has not seen a DIME of my money on a $8K account and they will not. I will let a judge lock me up if that is what has to happen first. And believe me, I will get media attention then! I defaulted on the account and my credit rating has suffered, BUT, they are doing it to MANY people and the credit card I just got (through my new bank) is 12% APR and they said not to worry about Chase's ding on my credit report as pretty much everyone affiliated with Chase got hit with this massive arbitrary increase and that numerous people are refusing to pay now. Chase just reported a 3.3 BILLION dollar profit for the first quarter of 2010, and it is from arbitrary increases on otherwise good customers unwilling to stand up to them. I for one will stand against this monster and fight. I can tolerate a low credit score as I don't buy major purchases and rarely use my credit cards now. I still have two others in good standing, so Chase can kiss my ***!
It is my opinion that Chase is a criminal organization and I predict them to be before the feds eventually for their extortion and I hope they collapse to the ground.
February 9, 2010
Sure Miss WAMU
I had been a WAMU customer since 1997. I as were many was told that Chase would continue WAMU's practices until I learned the hard way differently. My first experience was unexpected NSF's showing up in my account. Come to find out... Chase employees out of the blue decided to place a hold on my payroll checks without letting me know. I always make my deposits at the ATM how would I have known? I have worked for my company for 10 years, never a problem. I understand in this economic climate how the banks could be nervous. However, the industry I work in is fortunately recession proof. So then I was told no overdraft protection. Great! With WAMU I had $1000.00 in overdraft protection. So I was encouraged to link my savings account to my checking for overdraft protection. Ok so I did. I then started seeing these credits every once in a while on my checking account. I thought, isn't this nice I wonder what rewards program I signed up for? Then one day I checked my savings statement, savings was almost depleted! The little credits I was seeing were transfers from my savings, however I wasn't overdrawn. Apparently they transfer and charge a fee of $10.00 on PENDING transactions!!! So I quickly canceled that! I played the float one weekend. I had several pending transactions on a Thursday of which my balance covered, these will usually clear by Monday night. I made a large purchase Sunday of which I did not have funds, I figured I would have until Wednesday night. I made a large deposit Tuesday morning and requested cash back and was told my account was negative and I could not have any cash.. ??? Come to find out the large purchase cleared on Monday night, ok I gambled and lost so 1 NSF fee right? Wrong!!! Contrary to what I was told before, (Checks clear in the order of when they are presented, *see first experience) Chases policy is to clear the highest dollar items first stacking them to the smallest dollar items. So they are intentionally setting up their customers for NSF fees!!! (I would say that is predatory) What a way to bite the hand that feeds you! When speaking with customer service and supervisors I mentioned that a law was past that banks can no longer exercise these types of predatory business practices. Their reply is after March 2010 some policies will change. (So if your a customer hold on to your seat till the ride is over !!!) In the conversations with Chase representatives I am continuously told I have the right to close my accounts. *(Bet that's good for business!) I am now shopping the market for a friendlier common sense bank or credit union. So let me sum this up by saying $500.00 in fees in the last few months! In the entire time I was with Bank United then WAMU I have not paid out half that amount in fees in a 12 year period. (Bet Chase is proud of that!) Didn't the government give WAMU to Chase? Shouldn't we as tax payers receive a little better treatment than - after $500.00 in fees to be told "close your account"? (Bet they didn't disclose this to the government either!)
October 29, 2009
Fraudulent banking charges
My complaint against JP Morgan chase is for fraudulent overdraft charges to my checking account.
On Monday, October 26th at approximately 7:30pm I went online to my personal checking account with JP Morgan Chase Bank. At that time I had a positive balance of just over $68.00 with all transactions for the 26th of October already showing posted to my account with the exception of two transactions. One of the transactions not posted was for a check 4044 and the other check 1937. Check 4044 was for $ 100.00 and 1937 for $50.00. The next day, October 27th, my showed account a negative balance of $88.12. What really caught my attention was how the withdrawals were now being displayed. The two checks listed above were paid first and the charges that had already posted to my account the day before when I checked were now listed last and showing a negative balance. This caused a total of 8 overdraft fees being charged to my account. When I called JP Morgan Chase customer service I asked how they can change the order in which items were processed for the day if they were already showing withdrawn from the account. I was informed they take the highest withdrawal first and continue from highest to lowest. I explained that all these lesser charges that I was being charged overdraft fees for were already posted to my account and the balance was positive $68.00, the only two items that hadn't posted were the two checks 4044 and 1937. I was then told by Chase that was the was they processed the withdrawals and there was nothing they could do to change the outcome. I asked for a supervisor and was told they could reverse $ 70.00 of the $198.00 I was being charged. I asked about the way the charges were posted to my account when I viewed it the day before and was told they re-list the charges and the end of the day from highest to lowest.
In the end Chase would only refund $ 70.00 of the over $200.00 they took from me. The charges they levied to my account caused an additional charge of $33.00 on the 27th of October because the deposit I made on the 27th wasn't enough to cover the $198.00 they charged me in fees. These fees were taken out at the end of the day on October 27th and were more then the deposit of $250.00 I made that same day causing an additional charge on the 28th of October.
This processing scam by Chase is a just a way to charge consumers for outlandish overdraft fees. The practice is wrong and criminal. I admit I was over drawn but only on two items and should have been charged accordingly. But I was not overdrawn on the additional eight items I was being charged for and this is robbery or whatever you want to call it...its plain bad business and Chase should be ashamed.
Michael Anthony Johnson
August 22, 2009
Excessive bank fees
The nature of this complaint is the banks unwillingness to work with me and their excessive bank fees of $600.00. Chase bank was responsible for creating over half these fees. I have several accounts with Chase and when I lost my job and depleted my savings my checking account was overdraft by $24.43. Automatic payment amounts kept trying to debit my account for $1.19. My account went from -$24.00 to -$496.00 with all the fees. I talked to Chase to freeze my account or close it which the refused to do because it had a negative balance. I was told by the people at Chase as soon as I made a deposit into my checking account they would help me resolve the fees. I had another checking and savings account with WAMU which is now Chase. When I received my first paycheck, after being unemployed for 8 months, I deposited it in my WAMU account. I was arranging to make a deposit in the Chase account. However, before I could make the deposit with Chase, they automatically withdrew the $496.00 out of my WAMU account. I was unaware of this unauthorized withdrawal and had made other payment transactions on this account. The transactions that I made on my WAMU account were authorized by WAMU and debited from my account. However, due to the unauthorized withdrawal, made by chase, my WAMU account was already depleted and became overdrawn with these transactions. I went to the Milan Branch of Chase and was told there was nothing they could do for me. I do not think this is right. I understand the banks right to charge overdraft fees, but $600.00 worth is not justifiable. I have run out of resources to contact. I would officially like to make a citizens complaint.
Monica Wood
May 24, 2009
unfair bank charges
Chase Bank has put my parents account in the negative for returned items and insufficient funds in the tune of 2, 089.00 . Whether the fault lies in bad processig bank procedures or negligence in keeping your checking account balanced is here nor there. I will not accept the fact that Chase is in the right to take this money out, when they can see that it is putting them deeper in the hole further and further. He has overdraft protection, but these charges have put them in a financial hardship. He has not had a + beginning balance in the last two months and it seems like it will continue unless Chase Bank either waivers the amounts or gives them a refund of these unfair bank charges. (Which I am going to help my father achieve ) First of all, do you think, this website or anyone that reads this could get this message to President Obama? I would like to give him a message that the events that are taking place, at the present, to my mother and father's account has gone on for many years to all sorts of other people and it is of no surprise that it still continues to do so. The Banks control in all levels of income and even individuals themselves. It is hard in accepting that they have the right to take out these penalty fee amounts without authorization to do so. And they have, but, the other day, they did something, that really I will not accept at all and that is, they had the nerve to take both my parent's 'STIMULUS CHECKS" and pay the bank's charges imposed on them! We finally get a president, that I believe, is to achieve in helping bring back this economy back up on its feet, and doing so in the many ways he has already done for us. I just can not believe this world and the way it works, when it is right, for a bank, like Chase Bank, who, by the way, had some kind of handout in the BAIL -OUT, gets away with taking, a retired AIR FORCE VETERAN, ELDERLY COUPLE OF 77 YEARS OF AGE, FIXED INCOME, HAS COME UPON FINANCIAL HARDSHIP BECAUSE OF ONE OF THE MAJOR FACTORS BEING UNFAIR BANK CHARGES APPLIED AND TAKEN AND SECOND REASON IS DUE TO RECENT AMPUTATION SURGERY AND HOSPITALIZATION ... STIMULUS CHECKS!!! So Mr. President, if you happen to read this, will you please see if you can do something about this, for them? I want all bank charges refunded and their Stimulus checks reimbursed back to them, period. I have never voiced my opinion on worldy issues and I may disappoint you, in saying I have never voted before. I always rode the tails of that coat saying that one person is not going to make a difference, so why say anything. It is hard to believe in the system and the concept that it is really there working for you. I mean look what is happening to my folks! If it continues, it could effect them with more punitive damages . Fee's are charged to cover administrative costs for such right? So 2, 000 dollars or more, sure seems like alot of money, for letters, envelopes, stamps, and phone calls ? And you gave them, or they took, a little extra money in stimulus checks to boot!! Well enough is enough! I believe in you, please rectify this one, Mr. President? thank you Monica Wood Phoenix, Arizona My parents are Antero Olivares and Mary E. Olivares Phoenix, Arizona P.S. I know the way this world is and the way people think. So with that being said, and a comment to the fact that I am not one to stereo type people by his name or color for that fact. I am caucasian, and my parent's too, and we are all natural citizens of the US. I'm sorry I felt I had to say that .
Mary Chanecka
April 28, 2009
eorbitant overdraft f
I never was behind paying my bills, but I had to go onto Social Security Disability a few years ago, and that is the only income I have. I got a checking account at one major bank, and a year ago I switchd to Chase. In one year I have paid about $3000 on overdraft fees and though I tried to discus this issue with them several times, they have been cold and heartless. Obviously, when I have to pay these fees, I can't pay my bills, and I am more behind than ever.
Even if I am overdrawn by $5.00, I get charged $35.
I really hate the whole banking system, but I have no choice but to have an account. Though my story is not unusual, I feel like we are all victims, and I resent that they are "bailed out" but they won't give their clients one break.
February 24, 2009
Broke terms of agreement
I accepted Chase Bank's offer for a Life of the Loan on Balance Transfer which was 4.9% APR, at 2% against a Balance that I am averaging $30.00 to $35.00 a mo pymt. They BROKE the terms and now are charging me $96.00 a mo pymt and added on to that a $10.00 service fee that gets added into the 11.99% APR bracket(On statement Sent to me shows this) for a total of $106.00 a mo pymt. The way I was told by the Very Rude Rep when I stated why since I am in good standing and have an excellent Credit score and rating has my pymt jumped up so high? she stated "the economy is bad right now and we need to get our money back fast". she said you still have the 4.9% APR but we will NOT drop the pymt's back to original amt and you will pay the $10.00 service fee. I stated that I am on a strict budget and have a household and family to support and a good number of other debts and this would ruin me financially and since I have a total of 7 cards with you (them) that they bought from other banks, if they do this to the rest I will have no choice but to file Bankruptcy. I cannot afford this pymt as I demanded to speak to a Suprv she stated that she was the only one I would be dealng with, NO! these are the terms and If I did not have anything else to talk about she was going to hang up. I have filed Major Complaints with the FTC and the BBB and now awaiting Outcome. But pymt is due next week and if they continue on these Loan Shark type tactics and not work with me all that I have worked for over the last 30 years is gone as I out of Chase creating this Demonistic hardship will lose all to bankruptcy. I now will Contact the National News Networks. Towards the end she stated I will bring pymtn back down but will raise the APR to 7.9% APR good unitl 2011 and you will still incur the srvice fee, after 2011 you will inccur the purchase rate at the time which right now is doulbe digits which is only putting off the inevitable. I can understand of I was in default but on the contrary I am retired and suffering my own hardships which now includes being a 24/7 Caregiver for my Stroke patient Mother. Chase is not only unfair but acting like Criminals in their dealings with the public (me) and will not go with out due attention of those in Authority who Regulate the banking industry. I am researching the Dept of Treasury for a Complaint section to Notify the Feds of this.
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