Got approved for a Credit card from Juniper / Barclay's Bank a few months back.
I didn't need anymore Credit cards but this one offered a 799% fixed rate. so hay... why not.
got the card approved with a $1000 limit.
Started using it regularly because of the low rate.
Got close to my limit but never over.
Made $300 payments early. the last 2 months, instead of the $13 minimum payment they asked for.
Always stayed under my limit... and now they are lowering my already small credit limit to just over my new balance of $613 limit at $650.
Saying that I was to close to my limit (What the Hay?) and I have too much revolving credit.
No more than I had a few months ago when I got the Card!
I have 3 companies that bill this card monthly for small charges that total less than $100.
But this will leave me to go over my limit when these charges come in.
So in addition to the $300 I sent them last week.
I now have to send more just to keep from going over my new limit!
I think they are in bad shape financially and are sorry they issued cards with a low 7.99% limit.
I have other Credit cards that have limits from 3, 000 to 15, 000
They don't seem to have any problem with my revolving amount.
I pay all my bills on time and Way more than the minimum due.
This is BS and I recommend that Everyone stay clear of;