Juniper/Barclays Bank and company are criminals and participate in very deceiving business practices concerning their Juniper credit card website. They constantly move the due dates but this complaint is about something else. On September 3, 2010 I paid off my balance in full as reported on the Juniper website and I also confirmed this amount with a customer service rep. $233.86. Today I received an email from Juniper Bank saying my statement was ready. Knowing the unethical shenanigans Juniper plays with their customers I thought I should take a look. Glad I did. On September 16, 2010, Juniper Bank posted an interest charge of $2.01. Not a big deal except for the fact I had paid the balance in full according to their web site and a customer service rep 13 days prior. If I had not looked then their would have been a late payment penalty and they would raise my interest rate to the moon. I can't believe that this business practice is even legal. Immediately I called in and asked for the charge to be reversed but got the usual run around as I have every time I have called in to talk to them about anything. I got no where and am planning on calling Barclay's bank directly tomorrow and I will be closing my account after I look in Hoovers and get the CEO's email address and give him an earful. I might even give this to my attorney. It's not the money, it's the unethical practice that needs to stopped. There are plenty of complaints on this everywhere on the internet. Maybe the attorney general needs to be engaged with Juniper and ask them a few questions about their business practices...
I welcome a response from the bank on this... criminals!