August 25, 2010
I have several credit cards and this is the WORST EVER. I had several statements stolen from my mailbox in July. Juniper was one of them. I immediately made a payment when I realized it was late (because I did not get a statement) and paid twice what was due. They REFUSED to drop the late charge. I went to a supervisor, still refused. I cancelled this account and transfered it to another card with a lower limit. Terrible, inconsiderate people to do business with!
August 25, 2009
Very poor customer serv
Man I have had numerious problems with this credit card company in the past and now its on again with them. I can't get them to send me a bill all the sudden as in the past. I have had one conversastion with a CSR and they said that they notified me of my bill via my email address that I submittited when I opend my account? What, I never sign up for a paperless billing with any account. Now they have added all types of late fees to very low balance and I still haven't seen a bill from this crappy organization. The last conversastion I had was with a CSR rep that just wanted to talk over the top of me and wouldn't shut up and lession to anything I had to say and she hung up on me because I asked to talk to her supervisor because the way she was acting. Yes, I had called her a roach and the truth hurts. She was acting poorly I going to treat me within any second class manner and I'm not paying them a dime until they lession to what I have to say. I've been slammed and this is a scam by Juniper Master Card and they are effecting my credit score becuase of these actions. If they would just send me a bill as i have requisted then I could look at it over but I can't get them to do that. Don't do any business with such a shaddy credit card company. Its just a ploy to get late fees out of there customers and I'm not having any part of it.
May 13, 2009
Interest Rate Increase
March 2009 - received a notice change of interest rate due to economy; didn't know that I needed to actually "opt out" by a certain date (April 10, 2009); was told by one person that I should have signed agreement to "lock in" interest rate; which meant I could no longer use my card without raising my interest rate or just not use it at all, either way - no card purchases. This would mean that my card would be "void" when paid in full - correct? I also told the Manager-Chris that I spoke with that I was told by Bjon on 5/12/09, and Richard - 5/12/09 that I was a "chosen few" who had their interest rates raised, not all rates were raised by the bank. My question for them and for Keisha - 5/13/09 - "Why is it that my rate was raised and not all; and what was the deciding factor in raising my interest rate?" They all said, "we cannot disclose that information". Why can't you tell me why my interest rate went up whenever I pay my account on time and pay you more than the minimum payment every month since I have been using the card? It is my card, right?
Chris told me that the card "belongs to the bank", not to me. I realize that this is a "loan" and I work hard to try and pay all of my bills and to be on time and not pay late and then the "bank" tries to suck the life out of the consumer who is trying to pay you in a timely, efficient manner. They all said that no one from the bank will talk to me and discuss what is going on with my account; so I ask you now; can you give me an answer as to why; aside from me using "your" credit card; why if I cancel the card does it go against my FICO score, but, if you cancel it; it doesn't?
I really would like to see you take this card and shove it where the sun don't shine; but I have to be nice and say that your reasons for raising my interest rate doesn't make common sense to a single soul that I have spoken too, but, it is what it is and I will pay you; but, just so you know; I don't agree and I'm sure that others don't agree as well; because I know that people, like myself that struggle; will continue to pay their bills; even if YOU choose and REJOICE in RIPPING any consumers off that you can.
Enjoy your damned money!! You have certainly EARNED it!! The good Lord willing; I will never have to "use" you or your credit card again in my lifetime. Like I told Chris, I'd be willing to bet that your credit card interest rates aren't as high as mine (perk, right?) and if this was you (as a consumer) you'd be pissed off too:) Also, I told him that whenever you guys "folded" and were in the unemployment line, I hope that you all have a nice day, because "YOU SUCK".
Thank you for "NO EXPLANATION" except that you have the "legal right" to raise interest anytime without any explanation aside from the failure of the economy. See who else you can suck the blood from!!