My company, Internet City Designs was hired to revamp the JGR website by the Station manager. I was to be paid shortly after completion of the site. When I went to collect, I was informed that the station was undergoing a 'scrap metal project' and the funds would not be available until after such project was completed. I was also informed by the same station manager that security features should be implemented on the chat box because of harassment by others. In order to do so, a special chat software would be required in order to moderate the chat. Such software would need to be purchased. I was asked by this manager to purchase the software and that I would be fully reimbursed for the software. I did just that, and have yet to recieve such reimbursment. I have been hopeful that this situation could be somehow resolved between JGR and ICD, but I guess I was wrong. It is not my intentions to bash anyone or any organization. I just want what is owed to me. All agreements I do have in writing, and such contracts are admissible.
I am tired of this station taking advantage of the kindness of others. should have to pay for the services that they order. Feel free to visit their site and tell them how you feel. Go to
Don v
Franklin, North Carolina