My wife has been in cuma with branin anueyrism and hemmorage since Dec 11, 2010, the case manager Dot Zautner who was working to get my wife out to rehab before my wife was even discharged, and without any prior consents, conversations, or agreement, she faxed my wife's full medical record to a Rehab Center outside Kaiser operating privatly, then after my complaints about this process a new and worst case manager took over the case her name is Sharon Gray, who started to covering up for Kaiser and the previous case manager Dot, then she was trying to do her best to PUSH my wife out of the hospital to the Rehab Center since January 17th., 2011, however due to my arrguments and fighting back their process and reasons, I was able to keep my wife at the hospital. Sharon Gray continue to harasse me and many times attempted to influence the doctors to sign the discharge letter even when she was removed from my wife's case due to my request. Her removal from handling my wife case was confirmed by her supervisor and manager both Susan Lucero and Viola Davis who spoke with her directly and asked her not to be invloved in any way in my wife's case of transferring to Skilled Nursing Facility SNF, but due to her hate to me and my family, and her discrimination against me due to my Race & Religion she got invloved in the case knowingly she was removed from it, and contacted Dr. Lai plus the SNF to get my wife out of the hospital as of March 21st, she influenced Dr. Lai with her lies, and negative feedback about me, so Dr. Lai felt in her trap and signed the discharge letter, which was later over turned.
Sharon Gray has been acting very mean, very unprofessional, and very hatefull to me and my wife and the family, she attempted to do whatever in her power, influence others, gave negative feedback totaly false about me to doctors, nurses, social workers at Kaisers which will be prooven in the court of law after I bring this matter to my counsel very soon, however at this time I am just taking care of my wife, and having the daily challange to be dealing with Kaiser member services and utilizations staff.