Dear Sir,
I am a consumer of Indane Gas at Kalpana Gas Agency Bangalore. My Consumer no. is 91298.
I booked gas for home delivery telephonically approx. on 02-09-2010 and it was told that within 15 days gas cyl. will be delivered. As I didn't receive the gas even after 15 days telephonic reminders were given (not less than 10) and it was always assured by the concerned person of the agency that gas will be delivered today but till date i.e. 28-09-2010 it has not been delivered.
I would like to bring into your notice that this have become a regular practice of the said agency, the person who book the gas on later date get the cylinder much earlier, the reason is unknown to us.
Earlier we had our connection at different agency of the same company for years but we had never faced such type of problem. Due to locational division we were bound to get the services from
Gayatri agency and since then we have been in trouble.
Further, I would like to inform you that almost all the customers are facing the same problem.
I know that today or tomorrow gas will be delivered to me. However, to have a permanent solution, it is requested to take necessary action against owner of Gas Agency after verifying the facts as brought out above.