This school uses bait and switch tactics to get students too transferred to the school making fake promises. They tell student they guarantee a full transfer of their credit because their program is of 180 credits. They lie and ask you to get the full amount of loans. After a great discussion that the school is the most affordable you get hit by the bus and realized this just a scam. They charged you a ridicules amount of money for a school that has no standing or good reputation. They will send you bills for amounts that suppose to be covered by your financial aid loans. They will call you and harass to pay the bill, when they where the ones that call your bank and cancelled the payments of the loans. How stupid they can be? I contacted the banks and they also agree with me, this is probably the worst school. They should not be in business. They use false advertisement to attract student and bait them to the amount of charges that is over the so called affordable price in their advertisements. They go as far to lie that they are the most affordable school while in fact they are 100's better schools out there like western governors and Cleary University! Do not allow this school to take your money and your credit for a ride. This is the only school that calls your banks to stop your loans. How stupid they can be to stop payments on bill they need to get paid on. If, you here about a student trying to go to this school please advise the not to. they will have the worst time of their life trying to get the Business Bureau and the Department of education to fix a problem they caused themselves?
their financial aid :[email protected]