Hi, I went to Katsur Dental in Lower Burrell, Pa back in August of 2007 and my husband was in Baghdad at the time and I had just gotten my health care coverage and they sent to me to them. The doctor I saw was a Dr. Brian Taylor; I only went there because the dentist I was going to was not covered by my insurance. So for the first time I went there I have been back there maybe four times since then.
I had went there to get a routine cleaning done and prior to that not even two months ago I went to my dentist and asked if I had cavities and they said no well I get to Katsur Dental and low and behold they would not do the cleaning because they said I had some cavities. And so they took x-rays and they set me up with an appt 1 day later and so I go in a he drills out six teeth and fills them and I got home and I was in pain I could not eat, drink or even pick up my own son who was 7months old at the time.
So I called that morning and I told them what was wrong and so they told me to come in and so they were talking and the doctor told me he had drilled too close to the nerves and he said I will replace the fillings and I recorded our whole conversation. Man I bet he didn’t know mp3's recorded. But the hygienist come in and out the fillings in and was ignorant as can be. I walked out of there crying because of how much pain I was in. And I keep calling and going down there to get my records and x-rays but they go all I can give you is the statements of work and paper copies of your x-rays.
I needed all of this for my dentist I went back to and the lawyer and I threatened them with my lawyer so I can get all the records even the doctors note because they refused to give them to me. Now shouldn’t I have a right to get a copy of that in the first place? Or were they hiding something? But I still can’t eat anything on the right side of my mouth because of how sensitive it is and I got the work done a yr ago and they didn’t even fill them right. All I want them to do is to pay to fix my teeth and everything else they did wrong for the rest of my life and I will stop bothering them. I mean I didn’t drill into their mouth for no reason. But they did it to me and it costs my insurance a lot for unnecessary work that didn’t even needed to be done in the first place.