Last night ITV showed an edition of the Katy Brand Big Ass show that clearly took a swipe at the Islamic way of life and also attempted to defame the character of Jesus in an attempt at humour.
A sketch in particular made a mockery of the Islamic attire and the beliefs and teachings of Islam, which were not in the slightest funny but disgraceful and disregarding the feelings of others. The show caricatured Jesus as weak and inane, and discovering he was the father of his girlfriend’s child.
It showed utter contempt for the Islamic faith. Once again, Islamic viewers are expected to accept the debasement of their beliefs.
This is ultimately a matter of respect — respect for widely held beliefs and values, the same values on which this country has been established.
The so-called humour in this program was not clever, inventive or creative.
It was simply a cheap act of spiritual vandalism, based on offence and blasphemy.