I paid Kelly $10, 000 to devise a business plan that would help me market to the affluent. She talked a BIG game when trying to sell me, but when it cam e to delivering, she totally dropped the ball!! She came off to me as completely inauthentic and it was impossible to get her to focus. When I raised concern about the job she was doing, she got defensive and insulted me over and over again! She didn't attempt to resovle my concerns in ANY way and eventually stopped answering my calls and emails when i requested my money back! THEN she had the nerve to have her attorney write me a letter saying that I was attempting to extort her because I want my money back and she was going to sue ME if I told anyone about what happened!
STAY AWAY FROM KELLY O'NEIL AND HER COMPANY AT ALL COST!!! Here is how she broke our contract:
1. I hired Kelly to develop a full business plan to market to the affluent and I got a plan that included internet marketing. I had already taken the class how to do internet marketing and how to package your high end programs. I hired Kelly to devise a plan that took what I learned and market it to the affluent.
2. In the proposal it says the plan will be delivered in 3-4 weeks in one spot.. they didn’t point out to me that it would be delivered after 3 months.
3. Kelly called me three times when she was trying to sell me, then after the strategy session, I didn’t hear from her for months. It was difficult at that point to even get an email from her.
4. The contract clearly states that there will be resources and strategies. The only resources that are in the plan are ones that I gave them… not companies that target affluent engaged couples… she said that if I wanted that, it would cost me $150, 000
5. The contract states that Uplevel will provide a roadmap with in my budget and expertise (I don’t know how to build websites, write press releases or do a teleseminar..all included in Kelly’s plan and all the resources she provided charged over $3000)
6. When I was unhappy with the strategy session because I felt that Kelly was totally unprepared, she told me that I had anxiety.
7. She tricked me into doing a video testimonial for her saying that I would get exposure if I did.
8. When I told her that $10, 000 was way out of my budget, she promised that she would include what she called a “cash infusion plan” so that I could make money to pay her. I never got ANY cash infusion plan and still have no idea what she meant by that.
9. At the commencement of our working together, I clearly stated to Kelly that I need open communication in order to work with her. She never once really listened to me and did nothing but patronize and disrespect me by cutting me off and not answering my questions. She was extremely short with me and responded to my concerns by arguing with me and telling me I had anxiety and was spinning out of control.
10. She promised me that she would introduce me to important joint venture partners and never did.
11. She sold me by saying that the people who pay her $10, 000 pay her that so she can “do it for them” I specifically asked her if that meant that she was going to make my plan detailed and specific to marketing to the affluent and she said “yes” She would include the general sweeping trends of my affluent market would be.
12. Bottom line, I did not get what Kelly’s marketing, advertising and contract stated and I got no value from her what so ever. WHAT A RIP OFF and I got insulted ON TOP OF THAT!!!