Kelly Richards Scam at it again in Makati, Philippines.
Kelly Richards does not live in the Philippines as she claims in the Fox news channel make money at home mom. Chanel 6 Reports out of Manila this money maker, no money to be made by you, only Blake Richards and Kelly Richards. These people were exposed years ago and yet they still make money off of people that want to work and now they are exploiting the Philippines. Your first clue that this is a scam is that they live in Makati, yet the pictures are from the U.S. Read the forums and do searches such as Kelly Richards Scam and you can find out about these entire fly by night scam artists. I do not know why they are allowed to keep bilking money, the posters on their board, probably more scam added to make you feel great. Remember there is no such thing as a free meal, I worked in a call center for over 6 years and I never did find a job in the U.S. that would allow you to work from home.