hellow, i worked for kenton iron products for four year. and found out that working hard and showing up for work wasn't enough to get promotions. scott pritchard and terry ulmer have thier own way of selecting who gets promotions and raises. only ass kissers. all the employees, that were thier got shit canned, and they kepted all the mexicans and pissed on the americans guys laying them off! i never got any vacations over those year, evan though i earned them! when they layed me off they refused to give me my vacation pay for 09 . thay have had the epa at thier facillity several time .the companey doesn't care about the enviorment, just set 55 gallon drums of oil all over outside with the lids half tight, or no lids at all! i could go on all day about the crap these to employers have tossed on thier employees. if you want to see the thier located on vine street in kenton .and thier 2nd shop out vission drive kenton
. p.s. fuck you kenton iron!!! from all employees you fucked over !!!