A few weeks ago I ordered a meal which consisted of three pieces of chicken. This order was X-tra Chrispy. While watching this girl fill my order I had to correct her for putting a regular breast in my order instead of the X-tra Chrispy. When I got home I opened my order and found that she placed a Xtra Chrispy leg and breast as ordered but found a Xtra thigh instead of a Xtra breast as ordered. Calling and speaking with the Manager I exlained the situation to her and explained that this has not been the first time that my order has not been right. The Manager said she would check into the situation and was sorry for my inconvience and would send me a coupon for my troubles. I thanked the Manager and requested that she talk to her staff about trying to get the orders correct in the future as I assume I'm not the only one to have received the wrong order. I have lost all respect for the Manager at this Resteraunt only because she said she would send me a coupon but as of this complain I have not received anything. Don't get me wrong I can do without the coupon but don't tell me your going to send me one and then turn around and not send one. This only shows me why her employees are able to get away with handing out the wrong orders when people are not receiving what there Paying for.
this may not seem a big deal to your Corp. headquarters but in this day people don't have money to pay for things they don't get.