YOU CAN DISPUTE THIS CHARGE - if you paid for this using a Charge Card or a Visa or MasterCard Check Card. Call the number on the back of your card - tell them you have NOT AUTHORIZED THESE CHARGES AND WANT ANY AND ALL CHARGES RELATED TO THIS COMPANY STOPPED AT ONCE AND YOU WANT A FULL REFUND ON YOUR ACCOUNT. They will send you a paper asking what steps you have taken to resolve this, just tell the truth! When it happened to my mom, it took a couple of phone calls and one form to the Charge Company - but they refunded ALL THE MONEY. (I had returned the POS book too.) The charge company had to be "nudged" - since the “crooks” would not respond to the Charge Company's inquiry about the return or for evidence that Mom had (NOT!) requested their newsletter. My last call MasterCard, the rep told me that they are VERY FAMILIAR WITH KEVIN TRUDEA and NATURAL CURES. THEY DONT' GET A RESPONSE EITHER! (I also heard he is getting by with this because he lives on one of the Islands. (Bahamas or someplace, I’m not sure …)
You may also want to bug your Attorney General and Better Business Bureau in your state.
FYI – NEVER let anyone DEBIT YOUR CHECKING ACCOUNT! If you don’t have a charge card use your check card if it is a Visa or MasterCard. Then you will still be able to use the charge card “rules” to dispute. Choose one credit card when you purchase by phone or internet, be sure it has and “ALERT SYSTEM” - then they’ll call you if unusual charges are made.
PLEASE accept these ideas/ suggestions in the spirit in which they are made, with the sincere hope that it protects someone and helps everyone.
And if you would care to join me in my own Natural remedy for my anger at Mr. Trudeau, at every full moon, if we wish it really hard – perhaps Kevin will shut one of his Natural Cure books on his lap, and his testes will become swollen, red, severely infected, and slowly, just dripping with infection, rot right off of his body…