yesterday I was on megaupload when suddenly this pop up comes out, with a synthetic voice and all, talking about how some guy named Kevin makes all this kind of money posting links on Google. I really didn't have time to listen through the whole message because I was busy at the time doing something else but but as I read through the page it claims to pay out & quote:
"$5 to $30 for every website link that you post on Google. No one needs to buy anything from you or Google in order to get paid. Weekly paychecks.
We all know the golden rule of scams that if the require you to pay ANYTHING in advance that means that it's a sure scam. This guy only asks for $1.00 supposedly for shipping. I ask myself, shipping of what?
Well anyways, I searched throughout the forum and found no one had posted anything to do with this what seems a new Internet scam. So here it is, let me know if any of you have run into this as well or know anything about it.