these people add unauthorized charges on phones without approval
or authorization of customer's which should be illegal but do to some damm idiotic congressional law that was passed by our stupid congress
it seem's that they don;t need confirmation, in essence this (SCAM) appear's to be a type on ponzi scam. and here is how it work's they unkowingly attach fee's to unsuspecting customer's and basically steal there money ! while in tne mean time are using the stolen fund's to invest and make money for themself's till they get caught by the customer.and then have to repay the $14.95 back? well guess what in the mean time they have made thousand's off the client's money they stole and paying back the $14.95 is small potatoe's to them.
this firm is nothing more than a ponzi scam derivitve and should be shut down by the F.C.C and S.E.C asap! they are nothing more than common thieves.