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Category: Family & Pets
Contact Information Glendale, Arizona, United States
KinderCare Reviews
July 7, 2011
Unethical Work Environment/Violates Health Deptartment Policies
As a former employee at Kindercare, I must express my dismay at how this company is run at the corporate level. I enjoyed my former job and loved my co-workers, including the center and assistant directors. I need to voice that for-profit corporations and the business of taking care of children is not a very good combination.
These directors are placed under a huge amount of stress by keeping their enrollment numbers high at the expense of the teachers in their employ. Often there are not enough teachers to cover basic needs such as lunch breaks. I worked an 8 hour shift for months without being given a regular break. When there was enough staff, I would then receive a brief break. Having inadequate staffing also led to many classrooms being over their ratio numbers in multiple classrooms.
It was not unusual for an infant teacher to have a few toddlers in the classroom for part of the day. This was also repeated for the toddler and the two year-old classrooms. I clearly remember the stress, discomfort and frustration my center director experienced in having to make daily decisions in who could get a break or which classes had to "bump" their students up or down by age group.
I worked for Kindercare multiple years and my only "raise" or wage increase during that time was less than a dime an hour. I left the company due to burnout and stress. A Kindercare employee seen at the corporate level is just a number, and treated as such. I am expendable, cheap labor that can easily be replaced. This corporation puts their bottom line at the expense of their employees and the well-being of the children placed in these daycare centers.
Due to staffing shortages, I was unable to take any vacation or personal time for months. Over a 9-month period, I was able to take just two personal days. I was feeling stressed and burnt-out due to lack of time off and the center's inability to hire additional staff in a timely manner. I understood my limits and pleaded for time off from working 8 hour days with only brief potty breaks. As an employee, I left this company feeling totally depleted and used up. I will never work for a corporate-run child care business again. I am learning toward mom-and-pop operations or non-profit organizations.
June 10, 2011
Unethical work conditions forced on employees
Twice as an employee with Kindercare learning center, I was forced to work while sick. I was told if I showed an effort and come to work sick, I could leave. Not true, next day went doctor, and I had shingles. A prior time, my back went out, couldn't leave, and I worked the entire day. By that evening I couldn't move, I was in excruciating pain.
The working conditions are appalling working. We take care of children and we expose them to illness, because we are afraid we'll loose our jobs if we walk out sick.
May 6, 2011
Dissatisfied with job
Ive been an employee at kindercare for about 3 months. I was hired as the school aged lead teacher. After a month there, my hours were cut and I was expected to deal with 22 kids alone, in a room by myself and at the time I was pregnant. I loved that job and my kids until my hours got cut again. Now I went from 4 hours a day to 2 and a half. I always asked for more hours but was unsuccesful. I felt like i was a slave and they worked me, like one. I finally decided to quit and when I did I was told that mfy director was waiting on me to do so.
Kids are Just Dollar signs
March 2, 2011
I had been working for kindercare for a little less than a year when I put my 2 weeks in. On the Monday following my notice my boss suspended me then fired me for telling a kid to stop trying to run out of the room at drop-off. The director also moves kids from room to room to accodomate the ratio whether or not the child belongs in the room, for instance a 18 month old in the same room as a 3 year both in the 2 year old room. She would move up 2 year olds to a preschool room with kids who are 3-4 years old.
February 4, 2011
All depends on which one you work at
I am currently working at my second KinderCare. I LOVED the first one I was at. The staff were so nice and the administration was fantastic. But, it was a center that had been bought out by KLC and retained most of its former policies, usually telling KLC to shove it.
The one I'm at now is extremely "corporate" and it ***! I've been there for three weeks and I'm already looking for a way out the door! They cut hours ALL the time and despite the fact that I was hired to be a preschool teacher, I barely spend any time in "my" classroom.
In addition to that, they change the policies constantly so you basically keep getting in trouble. For example, your classroom is supposed to be kept neat as a pin, but you're expected to only clean it at naptime or on your own time without pay. But at naptime you're supposed to spend all your time putting the children to sleep even though state law says that after 30 minutes you have to give them something to do on their cot and after an hour you have to allow them to get up.
Oh and the age group that I have is at the point where naptime is a thing of the past for them, yet the director gets pissed because the other teacher and I can't cover our own breaks because too many children are awake. All because she can't staff enough people so that every break is covered.
It's ridiculous. I was really excited about this job because everyone seemed really nice and I loved the last KinderCare I was at. But this just blows! The hour cutting is ridiculous and the pay is appalling. I have a degree in ECE and teaching certification with 6 years experience, yet with the money I make I could technically go on welfare. Oh and I'm paying out the *** for benefits that don't cover squat. I think that from a consumer standpoint, you're okay because most of the staff really do their damned best despite the crap they deal with. But from an employee standpoint, run while you can!
October 29, 2010
They don't care
My son was pinched by the directors daughter and scramed at by both the directors son and daughter. Then she went in the room after I left and called my son a lier right in front of the children and it was in a loud voice. The director has made VERY inappropriate remarks to the parents there. My son has had woodchips thrown at him. The directors daughter is a thief! The assistant director Amanda Novakowski has had her boyfriend Jason Schleweis there to try to kick my but. When I saw him I was thinking him and what army. He works at BAXA in Englewood. Go to another center there is a Highlands Ranch Learning Academy near Broadway and Dad Clark that is soooo much better you will thanks me later!
August 11, 2010
Worst service ever
I have worked in the child care field for almost 30 years. Kindercare is by far the worst I have ever been employed at.
There are so many complaints that I don't know where to begin. The director at this center was all about the money and keeping upper management happy. I don't think she ever spent any time in a room unless she was giving a teacher a bathroom break. She was rude to staff and rude to parents. I believe he only reason she is still the director is because she cuts staff hours, and orders the worst and cheapest food possible for the children. There are never enough materials for the children to do art and she turns a deaf ear to staff who call the children "retard, slow or ***" Something needs to be done about this center...Fire the Director!
July 26, 2010
I worked at KinderCare for almost two years before I was let go in April 2009. I had a lot of concerns with the center I worked at prior to my termination. These concerns happened when we switched center directors in early 2008. This particular center director transferred from another center nearby. From that point on, I was out of ratio on days when I had almost 20 children during the early morning hours with little or no help. I got fired because of a blog I posted on a popular social networking site regarding my frustration with the company. Nonetheless, I got suspended without pay. I was not paid any personal time that was still unused nor did I get any severance pay upon my termination from KinderCare. The staff is treated like sh*t and management does not even care about the families or the hard work that staff has put in for their children. I would NEVER recommend anyone working at KinderCare or have their children enrolled there. It is the worst child care facility on the planet.
June 29, 2010
HORRIBLE place to work for and to send your child to
I have worked for KinderCare for over a year now. I came to them after my other center was closed due to the failing economy. I thought that working for KinderCare, a company with such a reputable name...the largest provider of childcare in the country, would be fantastic. Boy, was I completely WRONG! I guess I'm glad to see that the same crap is going on all over the country and that it's not just my center, but it's still terrible. Here is my little list of complaints:
1. Curriculum. WHAT A JOKE! When I got there, the box for each season was missing 75% of the materials. My other teacher and I went through and made lists of what we needed to complete the curriculum...and was told we weren't getting it. Beyond that, we can't even get simple supplies to do what is provided in the lessons. It's gotten to the point that we follow the bi-weekly themes, but plan our own activities because they are more age appropriate and the children are more interested.
2. Ratios. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Laughable! We are constantly over ratio and are basically told that there's nothing that can be done about it. Hire more staff? Yeah, right! Our hours are getting cut when we don't even have enough staff to cover the center! Just 3 weeks ago, I was left alone in our school age room with 33 KIDS! Yes, almost double ratio. My director had to do a bus run and there was no one else to help out. Did she try to call the other center that is 3 miles away and picks up from the same schools to try and help out? Nope. I was almost double ratio! I informed my district manager and NOTHING was done, even though she tells us to ALWAYS come to her when something is wrong. Yeah, a lot of good that does.
3. Meals. Um, EWWW. Our director honest to God orders the same foods EVERY SINGLE WEEK. She also happens to order the cheapest food. Why? Because it helps get her closer to bonus. In the rare event that something is made that the kids will actually eat, they are always left hungry. Proper portions aren't provided and it breaks my heart to have to tell kids no when they want more food...when I know for a fact more than a few don't get much to eat at home.
4. When it comes to reporting things, nothing ever gets done. I have a child in my room that comes in every morning smelling of urine, covered in dog hair, and is filthy from head to toe. EVERY SINGLE MORNING. His father also smells of weed every morning. I spoke with my director about this child's situation because it was really getting to me. She told me that there was nothing reportable about it because it wasn't a form of abuse or neglect. Uh, excuse me? Disregarding a child's hygiene IS a case for neglect. I had a child (who is no longer there) that had some delays. When I would change her throughout the day, her private areas were always very red and she would act as though she was in pain when I would use wipes down there. There was also a very foul odor. I called and reported this. I informed my director of the situation just so she wouldn't be blindsided. She was livid that I reported it! When the investigation took place, she told those conducting it that she had never noticed anything and that the parent had informed her she had a yeast infection. Nothing was done. The parent NEVER told us about this supposed yeast infection. You know what happened a week later? We were informed that this child would no longer be in attendance because she was taken by CPS because she was being RAPED by her mom's boyfriend. This company cares NOTHING about the children.
5. My director is completely incompetent. She is 26 and this was her first director's job right out of college. Just because you have a degree doesn't mean you can do the job! She spends the majority of her day in the baby room with her child. She's never available to take calls. You ask her a question and the responses you will get are, "I don't know, " or "I haven't thought that far yet." Our center runs better when she's not there. We have a WONDERFUL assistant director that is credentialed to the highest degree and has twice as much experience as the director. When our director was on maternity leave and the assistant was in charge, it was a completely different place to work for. The staff was happy. Parents were happy. We did great projects and activities. She truly cares about us as teachers. She agrees that we are paid crap and that there's no incentive for us to do more than we are asked. When our director came back from leave, everything went back to normal. Parents noticed the very first day she was back that no one there was happy. That's sad.
6. Speaking of being paid crap, let's talk about that! I have an ECE degree. I make a whopping $8.50/hour...that's $6.85/hour after taxes. This is the 2nd year in a row that wages have been frozen. We don't get supplies/materials and the company charges an arm and a leg in where is all of the money going?! Our headstart classroom gets an extra budget for supplies. In the 14 months I have been there, I have not once seen them be able to use that money. We have 3 teachers that have been there 10 years + and the highest paid one of them makes $8.98/hour...and she has 2 Bachelor' and art. PATHETIC. There was a teacher hired about 2 months ago that has a CDA that expires on 6 months that started at $9.00. REALLY?! With a flipping CDA?!
7. Some of the teachers are just absolute CRAP. We have 3 in our center that constantly yell at the kids, yank them around by their arms, squeeze their hands/wrists to the point that the child says it hurts, etc. Numerous other teachers have voiced complaints over this and NOTHING has been done. One little boy said one teacher hurt his back. Our director looked at it, as did I, and it was indeed very red in the area right around the base of his neck. Was anything done? Nope. One child had an accident while outside. She had told her teacher (the same one referred to before) that she needed to use the bathroom and she was told to hold it. Not long after, the little girl peed her pants. The teacher noticed she had done it and told her to go sit on the bench and not get up. She sat on that bench for over an hour until they went inside. Once inside, the teacher DID NOT HELP HER CHANGE CLOTHES! Her father came in to pick her up and asked why she smelled. The teacher said she did not know. BS. This was on a Friday and it happened as I was walking out the door. First thing Monday, I informed the assistant director about it. An investigation was launched and obviously, this teacher lied about it. The little girl told the director, assistant, DM, and her parents exactly what happened, but it didn't matter. The teacher was safe from any consequence. Wouldn't you know, though, that I came under fire for not reporting it Friday!
8. Something is going on at home office. We can no longer have our grass cut or our floors and carpets cleaned because KLC owes over $30, 000.00 to each company! They also have yet to pay people that have come in for summer activities. I looked and there are 81 jobs open in the home office. Hmmm. Interesting.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Bottom line, DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO KINDERCARE. Management only cares about money and lies through their teeth (well, most do, assistant director is as honest as they come). It's so bad that my assistant director is pulling her triplets out and our DM's assistant is pulling her 3, also. We are told to inform our DM of any suspected wrong doing by the director...and we do...but nothing ever happens. We've given up. Every employee there (and all of the parents) want our assistant director to be promoted, but our DM refuses. Why? No one knows. It sure would go a long way to improve the center. I am currently looking for new employment. I will hate it, though, because I do love my kids and I love my co-workers. The director, DM, and company philosophy/practices as a whole just absolutely SUCK, though.
June 15, 2010
I have been with kindercare for awhile now. I was let go because i didn't label a baby bottle. I had told the teacher who came in after i did whose bottle it was and she responded with "ok" and looked directly at it. The parents had labeled every bottle except the one bottle they have given me. I got very busy at the moment, they gave me the bottle and set it on the counter (without notcing the bottle wasnt labeled.) so i could get a toddler off of a baby. I never had a write up, suspension, or any complaints. A few weeks before this incident, they tried getting me to quit because i told them i wouldnt give the managers 100 percent but i was gonna give those children 100 percent because the managers didnt support there staff. A few months back in march a manger had left our building usafe and a child unattended but was never fired. The person who found the kid threatend to call DCFS but never did cause the district manager talked her out of it and the incident was never brought up to HR. They are always leaving rooms out of ratio and telling teacher to pretend they are in ratio. I also had found out that there was a adult sex offender walking into the building. If you ask me every teacher and parent have the right to know if someone like that is coming into the building. The managers got mad at the staff because eventually all of the staff found out about it. The managers have a sex offender list that they are suppose to look at every so often. so how in the world did they not know about it? if anything i believe i should have got a write up or suspension but not fired cause i didn't label the bottle but i did communicate with the other teacher whose bottle it was and she responded back
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