Her name is Julie, don't know last name. She charges more than double the actual shipping cost of items. The buyer has no idea how much the actual shipping will be when they buy, so the usual seller's excuse of "the shipping was clearly posted" doesn't apply. The buyer had no way of knowing that you would be making over 100% profit on the shipping cost. This seller cleverly leaves the amount they paid off their shipping label, which they choose to do when printing their shipping label with Paypal. And to make things worse, she doesn't even leave feedback for buyers who paid in full instantly. But she has a "top seller" rating.
Ebay username: kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate
Name: Julie
Site: thegrandfinial.com
emails: [email protected] and [email protected]
The Grand Finial
7906 Ross Lake Rd.
Cavour, WI 54511