I hired New Penn through an intermediary freight shipping agent called Freightquote.com to ship goods I sold to customers through my website.
They badly damaged the 1st shipment. I submitted a damage claim. Just after I did so, New Penn reweighed the next shipment, already in their possession at that time, for nearly 3 times more than it actually weighed, causing me a bill 3 times higher than the original quote. I pack all of my items myself, and I have shipped this type of item many times over the years. I know the weight was correct on the original quote.
What's more is that if I had shipped this item alone, without another item, the one I more frequently ship chairs with would not even accept it at the weight they claim it was. It would max out my common shipping by twice their weight limit, and I have shipped them so many times before with this other shipper. That proves New Penn's records have been falsified.
The damaged shipment was delivered on a pallet by use of a mechanical liftgate, which I did not order & is very unusual to receive without ordering or authorizing. I discovered from the customer this was done to mask or disguise the damage under another box, pallet, & wrapping. They must have noticed something was wrong with this article when they put it on that pallet that way. Yet they delivered it and left before the customer was able to take it off the pallet to check it.
Upenn then used that as an excuse to pay a lesser amount of the claim- they only pay 1/3 the value on 'concealed' damage. They then offered even less of the value- only $83 of the actual damage value of the goods, which should have been $253 by their own calculations (shipment valued at $760) because the item is permanently and irreversably comprosmised. I had been asked for a repair estimate, in theory to justify the expense of paying the 1/3 value at $253. Instead of paying the 1/3 of the total item value, which is still compromised once repaired, they would only pay 1/3 of the repair expense! Repaired or not, the item is not how it was.
It gets worse...
While the claim was in progress, they were already transporting that second shipment, which was then reweighed & overcharged only after I submitted a claim for the first damaged shipment. Due to the obvious error of the information on New Penn records I suspect it was a reaction to my filing for the damage claim.
I complained to both Freightquote & New Penn about the overcharged false weight on shipment #2, which is all the more obvious because it contained two matching items, one of extremely long length at only 120 pounds, the second that was reweighed from its actual weight of 80 lbs to 260 lbs, even though it is 1/3 the size of that preceding 1st matching item. How can widget-x have a weight 3 times heavier than widget-y that is a 3 times larger version of x?
You have a sofa. You have a chair. A sofa is 3x longer than the chair. How can you justify billing me for the chair at twice the weight of the sofa? Even a New Penn rep agreed the billing & weight records looked inconsistent & erroneous, yet no one will fix it.
I have asked for help from Freightquote.com so many times to no avail. A service rep specialist was helping me and promised to credit me for the overcharge on the reweighed shipment, yet she put the wrong amount in. The credit she put on the account only reduced the bill by about 30%. I am still being billed (and about to go into collections) for a bill twice as high as I was quoted, for excess weight they did not deliver. Freightquote does not respond, and at one point told me they can't change what New Penn gave them. And New Penn told me I have to take it up with Freightquote. Same song & dance about the damage. They both tell me to take it up with the other company.
Meanwhile I have no choice but to refund the customer the shipping charges for the damage, while Freightquote closes my account and puts me in collections for the same $. And I have sent a check for the original amount of the reweighed second shipment, which freightquote won't cash and is also sending collections notices for.
I strongly feel these two companies are taking unfair measures to prevent payment of damaged shipment service failures, & subsequently overbilling their customers to cover their losses.
I am a professional and have been shipping large goods and furniture via freight for over 10 years and have never witnessed a case like this with any other company.