on thursday the 14th April went into the newtown store here and layby 2 pairs of trackies and 2 sweats...when i arrived home i realised i had laybyed size 12 trackies instead of 10. I immediately rang kmart laybe and was speaking to Ronnie Riely who said no probs will fix that up for you. I asked him to ring me back to let me now it had been done it did not happen. I rang next time as he only works nites and he said he had rang all stores waiting to see if they had that size and would ring me back. This didnt happen. I rang again saturday night spoke to Ronnie again hes says nobody got any just hope some more come in...So Sunday i decided to ring Rosny myself and newtown and Rosny had all sizes and said thank no one from newtown had rang them and at newtown they had 2 of the sizes. I had to go over to Rosny pick up the trackies and bring them back and change layby at newtown.
I consider this very bad standards of staff behaviour and to just feed the customer nonsense is just not on. I would like this staff member to be spoken to Ronnie Riely and this situation to be justified and to not happen again. We the customer are the ones who pay their wages or doesnt that count in this day and age.