I'm very impress in a negative way how this company is doing bussiness. Just trying to rip off people even when they have a medical reason. How is that possible that if you have a medical reason and out or unable to use the facility for at least a year will not count as a reason. Like many people here I'm tired of dealing with this problem and no finding a solution.
For 5 months I fought with the billing company to let them understand that in their contract very clearly said that if you are permanently disable or the person is not able to use the facility for 45 consecutive days for any medical reason membership can be cancel without any penalty. I did find a way that one of them would read that part of the contract and find out for himself what i was saying. They asked me for a letter from my doctor and even all that was not enough.3 years after I got a letter from a collection agency saying that i need to pay. WHAT THAT F%$%!!!
I believe that if we get together and found the way to show this company that this is not acceptable.
If any body has any idea please lets not wait any longer.