This company has defrauded several financial institutions and financial intermediary groups. Their President and CEO Benito Muros Perfecto has falsely represented the financial strength of the company in order to secures bank instruments, such as Bank Guarantees and Standby Letters of Credit. The company has spent the last two years providing false bank documents to provide proof of funds and legitimacy. However these documents have proven to be fake and illegitimate. Mr. Muros has wasted the time of several financial banks and financial advisory groups over the last two years. His method of operation is to seek out bank services to procure an instrument and then present fraudulent documents to prove his company has the ability to pay for these bank instruments.
However, once completing the services for his company, he will provide a series of excuses and explanations concerning the delay in funds being paid. The documents presented to verify payment will be fake bank documents. Funds will never be sent. He has done this to several companies in the last two years. So far, he has been reported by several major international banks due to this international banking scam.
If you become a victim of him or his company please report him to the FBI of international agencies investigating international bank fraud.