Ladies you have to try a Body Magic ($170). You will drop up to 3 sizes in this garment. The Body Magic Long ($200), you'll drop up to 4 sizes. The garments are made of a sturdy durable mesh material. The mesh is breathable and it activates your sweat glands to assist in weight loss. Try drinking the Le'Vive Juice ($50 and made of all natural ingredients). The Le'Vive will give you energy. The Body Magic with the Le'vive is what we call the 2-Step System. The garment is giving you instant gratification and helping you lose weight while the juice is giving you energy which is also helping you to burn fat. Check me out on FaceBook to see the results (before and after pictures) of the products and see what specials I'm offering for the week.
Nina Dorrough
Phone: 405-532-9597
Email: [email protected]
FaceBook: nina.dorrough