Eddie Monet at La Jolla Investment Partners ran an illegal pump and dump scam. He purchased 1.5 million shares of stock symbol MGON for cheap.
Afterward, he paid $40, 000 to a company called Whisper From Wall Street to tell all of their members and subscribers that they should immediately buy MGON stock because the company has news out (fake news) and their stock was about to have a great day.
Once the members started buying stock Eddie Monet at La Jolla Investment Partners was able to dump a massive amount of shares they have purchased cheap. They sold their shares at great profit while the sell-off causes every single member of Whisper From Wall Street who bought the stock to take a MASSIVE loss.
To put it simple - Eddie Monet and Dave Mava stole a lot of money right out of the pocket of people today. This entire scam was illegal and well planned and premeditated.
Information is being over to the SEC so they can get begin building their case.
Have you done business with or follow stock per the advice of any of the following:
Eddie Monet Dava Nava Whisper From Wall Street
You may be entitled to compensation! Report the transaction and all information regarding the situation to the SEC immediately!
This chart shows the point where Whisper From Wall Street told their members they should buy into the stock. The entry point was .086 or higher. The loss was around 25% or higher for every single person who bought today. Right after the WFWS members got in the, Eddie Monet and Dave Mava started selling their shares and collecting the thousands and thousands of dollar they stole from these investors they setup and tricked into buying so they could do their sell off.