I have been a customer of la tan for 4 years. I have been a VIP member for 2 years. I have been on the 89.99/month and 59.99 month. I also purchase all my lotions and tanning supplies at LA Tan. Even though I have been a very loyal customer contributing a lot of money to LA Tan, I have never received the respect I deserved. So After four years I have decided to end my membership. It's a shame because I really love the beds. Now Im going to just go to my local tanning salon that probably wont have as nice of beds but at least I will feel welcomed, and taken care of.
A few examples of my dissatisfaction are:
-I am constantly having to wait at the front counter so that the workers can finish a cigarette, phone conversation, homework, and one occasion a fight with there boyfriend .
-Anytime I have a question about my account I seem to be a bother to them, yet if I ask about lotion they perk right up to get the sale. Even though most of the time they don't know anything about the lotion.
-I am constantly being lied to about current balances of tanning dollars and rebates. I have been told at one store that I had none left, just to go to another store and here I had plenty. I don't appreciate being lied to to make an extra commission.
-There have been numerous time that the beds were not properly clean.
-One of the stores were letting there friends tan for free on my VIP package on days I was not there.
-And the biggest kicker for me is the lack politeness. I work in sales myself and I am constantly dealing with angry upset customers. I would never act the way LA Tan's employees do. I would be fired if I was always being short with customers and had a bad attitude. One time a new girl was trying to help me and every time she had a question the manager would get all frustrated and give me dirty looks because we were interrupting her conversation about how smart her cat is.
I hope that some day in the near future you pick better employees to run your company. And as I said before, its a shame I'm going to sacrifice quality of product for better service.
Shana Mikkelsen
[email protected]