I called their company "LABUYO" to send pckage in the Philippines last November 20, 2006 because he said that the package will arrive before Christmas Day. I believed them because my sister in law sent one using their company last October, & it got there on time. This Darwin promised that my package will arrive on time. so, my family in the Philippines waited for it, but it never got there before Christmas time. So i called the numbers here in the USA that was given to me, but those numbers were not working anymore. I tried the # of David Agpaoa, he is the general manager for Las Vegas, he gave me Darwin's cellphone # in the Philippines. i called him there & was able to talked to him. I asked hin what the problem was, & how come the package was not delivered yet. He told me that it will be delivered after New Year because they were experiencing some problems. I told him that its fine, as long as it will be delivered. I been calling him since, right after New Year, to know when it will be delivered. he said that it was going to be the week after new year, & then the next week, until one day he was not answering his phone in the philippines anymore. The phone was ringing, but he was not answering.
I'm afraid that they already sold my package or they used it already. I just want something to be done for what they did to me. I had sleepless nights just thinking about it because i spent a whole lot of money for that package...& my family was expecting it, they were so excited about it since its my first time to send a package. I hope & pray that you could help me! please!