as make complaint strange sort of retaliation is happening.
took courses in a certain field of study and was unable to finish studies, prof made a point of yelling at me and harassing me with threats (John Michael Robinson). Later he had me stalked violently.
My money was not considered to be as impt as other students money.
Joy Lawson of the student services was extremely rude to me and made all kinds of personally derogatory comments to me, gossiping about me as though she had the facts and later I was stalked by a 'pimp' like person who claimed to be a rock star...who sounded a lot like Ms. Lawson in that he discussed the same kinds of issues and though this may sound funny at first, I have been emotionally and physically crippled by these people. I have been unsuccessful with complaints to human rights as yet and to the police as these folks are in positions of influence. I was not harassing them in any way and was not doing anything illegal. I was however then violently harassed and abused in my apt., charged with a bogus charge and lost many belongings eg. books were stolen including passport.
the police were not willing to take this complaint seriously.