A man named James called me at my office from this company stating that I was going to be prosecuted because I had an outstanding payday loan with National Advance Payday. He stated, in December of 2008, $300 was transferred into my checking account and I had not paid the money back thus I was going to be prosecuted and I had a court date scheduled Wednesday of this week. He went on to say that he needed the name of the attorney that would be representing me. Because I had utilized several payday loan companies over a year ago I was concerned. I took down his name and number and told him I would call him back. I thought maybe I accidentally forgot to pay off one of my loans or had made a mistake while online so I contacted my bank and had them send me all transactions for the month this gentleman claimed I had received this money. I also called every Payday loan company that I had worked with in the past just in case I had forgotten to pay back a loan. It turns out I do not have any outstanding loans. I called the company back and began asking several detailed questions and was transferred twice to different "supervisors." I spoke with Cathy Martin who was very rude and accused me of being a "flight risk". She stated that I must call her back if I wanted to clear this matter up before being changed thousands of dollars by going to court and being prosecuted.
I truly believe this is a scam so if anyone experiences this please do not give out any important information over the phone without researching this further.