2001 9.6 camper ordered in 2000, from the time of first use at thousand trails, we had a leaking problem in the front sink, what I discovered was the drains in the kitchen sink had crack lines all around the drains, we immediately drove back to tom's camper land in tempe az, where then inspected and accused me of walking in the sink, we had quite an argument, they claim then called lance camper and they agreed with dealer who refused to fix, when we got home and went to clean and dump out system we discover water running out of the back of the camper, inspection showed that the drain pipe in the bathroom had broken off the sink, call back to tom's camperland resulted in being accused of taking a hammer and beating the pipes to break them.
I then proceed to order from another dealer a new stainless steel sink, tom's camperland claimed no such sink existed, well it fit perfectly, then replaced all the drains with metal and pipes in the bathroom.
the next trip out to las vegas resulted upon arrival finding all the pipes broken off the sink, pipe running from front to back behind the stove all broken in half and further damage to drain in the bathroom, this prompted a phone call to lance who continue to refuse any type of warranty. i did get them to send me a check to cover the sink.
since 2000 till currently 2009 we have experienced nothing but problems with the plumbing, i have during replaced where i could with rubber or neopreme traps, pipes, every time i would experience a new break or shattering of the pvc pipe in a new area, again contacts and letters to lance were sorry can't help you, i asked if there was an engineering problem they said not and this problem has not happened to anyone else.
while i was at thousand trails and viewing a new break a year ago a gentlemen came over and asked what was my problem, after explaining and he viewing the break from an out side compartment, he climbed under unit and came out telling me that lance did not support the holding tank properly and causing them to drop down when fluids were going into holding tanks, we then dumped the tanks and reloaded them and watched the pipes seperate almost half of an inch then go back when then are dumped.
i then took unit home and rebuilt the area in rubber only to just find out the drain in the bath shower was now broken, that since has been fixed, i hope.
i should have appealed to the lemon law in 2000 but was not aware on has only 6 months in arizona to appeal, plus arizona is not a consumer friendly state
no is lance.
they get a f- in my book. this is my 17th rv, no problems with the previous 16.