Laser Hair Removal
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Category: Lifestyle
Contact Information 445 Bay Area Boulevard, Houston, TX 7705, Clear Lake City, Texas, United States
Phone number: (281) 990-6200
Laser Hair Removal Reviews
July 10, 2010
Horrible and Rip Off
May 10, 2010
Customer Service & Refund
Rude Manager Ms. Siddhi Patel, called police when I voice my complain of no refund and poor service quality. I was there with my 3 month old baby. Have never been through such insult ever in my life before. She only care about her money and nothing else.
I am leaving the country but she still refuse to refund the money back, so now its like open stealing and theft under the name of a Spa.
March 6, 2010
Services not working
I bought a hair removal package from American Laser Center for $8000 with extended warranty. Service will be ending for me soon and I have not seen any results - at all. No lightening of hair, no elimination or sparseness. I have been going regularly for 2 years now and since my 2 years is almost up some of the technicians are telling me I will need to purchase more to continue treatment and some technicians are telling me I might have a testosterone problem or my settings are not high enough. A few of the technicians have been downright nasty, telling me that my pore size is decreasing, and that means, that the treatments are working... Some of technicians have also spoken to me about the ethical dilemma they find themselves in working for this company.While other technicians seem to revel in the power and manipulation they can impose on others.
Please don not go to American Laser center the packages do not work and as a customer you will be treated as just another number in the end when service rendered does not live up to ALC definitions.
October 6, 2009
I went to the local office in Phoenix for a "Free" Consultation. I told the manager that I had done my research and that the YAG Laser is good for Asian Skin Type. They confirmed that they have the YAG Laser and would use that on me. Then I asked for the number of years of experience their staff had, and they said over one year.
I felt comfortable and signed up for the permanent hair removal treatments.
Then during my first appointment, they did not use the YAG Laser for hair removal Treatment, So I got suspicious.
For the next appointment, I went prepared with a mini video and audio recorder and got it down on Tape that they would use the YAG for my second treatment. Infact the lady who did my second treatment, during my treatment said that they are using the Diode YAG laser. There is no such thing as a Diode YAG laser. After the laser treatment, I saw the machine and took some pics, and it was an IPL Laser.
Well, I have proof and am prepared to take this to court.
I want to appeal to any one who has similar experience to email me at [email protected]. We need to show these people that this is America, where Business Ethics and Morals cannot be violated to benefit the pockets of a few already rich cats.
June 3, 2009
I haven't started my treatments yet, but in reading my contract information closer...I was deceived. It's my own fault, but if you have to be so on gaurd for scams, the business should be avoided all together. First of all, the consultant didn't examine the hair in places I elected to have treatment. Had she, she would have noted that I wanted a lot of peach fuzz removed...the contract specifically says that peach fuzz doesn't respond to laser hair treatment. Secondly, the consultant went on and on, acting like I was getting a STEAL for what I was paying ($7, 000 for 4 full body treatments). I mean really, she deserves an oscar: "O' s#!*, I could get fired for giving this discount!" Supposedly the regular price for the package is $12, 000. On all of the boards I've visited NO ONE paid more than $7, 000 for FIVE full body treatments!!! Lastly, the contract just isn't in the buyer's favor. There are too many things that you are likely to be dissatisfied with and there's no resolution for you but to forfeit your money...ALL OF IT!!! I should have read the contract, you might say. Well before you read the full contract, they place the financial contract on top for you to sign the NO REFUND policy, and that also comes after you've given your payment information. After that, you get the bad info. DON'T BE A FOOL LIKE I WAS!!! Even they're own contract says it doesn't work, but the consultant will tell you "you will be hairless the rest of your life!"
February 24, 2009
To Gary Graves,
This letter is in reference to a complaint I have filed against American Laser Centers. I have attached a letter I sent to ALC in August of 2008 which gives a detailed account of my 3 year ordeal with ALC. I began my formal letter writing to ALC in August 2008. Prior to this I was in direct contact with Dana Ehrman at the Buckhead clinic.
My main point of contact with ALC has been Dana Ehrman at the Buckhead office # 404-603-8515. After about a year of treatments at the Johnson Ferry clinic, I was transferred to the Buckhead clinic to begin treatment on a newer more effective machine. After over a year of treatment intervals of every 5 weeks, I expressed my concerns to her in mid 2007 and was told by her that she was in contact with corporate trying to find a resolution. Corporate has never once contacted me and I have never once had a consultation with a real doctor. I have only been able to talk with the technicians at the clinic, all of which have different opinions and ideas as to the effectiveness of laser hair removal.
The lack of concern or commitment of ALC to follow through with any part of what was a unique case where treatment was totally ineffective has been extremely frustrating. All along I was told to be patient while time was running out on my 2 year guarantee. Now time has run out on my guarantee and ALC is telling me that because of this, I am not eligible for a refund.
Also, please be aware that I have requested copies of treatment times and dates on several occasions and have yet to get these records. With at least 50 treatments logged in their system, I feel that these records would show my commitment and willingness to follow their guidelines and recommendations.
If your office is unable to undertake this complaint, could you please help me obtain these treatment records so I may be able to better prepare for a civil lawsuit in small claims court.
Brandon Webb
P.O. Box 88762
Atlanta, Ga 30356
February 8, 2009
Closed facility, alternative not accepting clients, 161 mile drive to next choice
This is a retraction, with apologies, regarding statements I made, accusing Michelle. I went to United Laser Clinics as a stress relief after two very bad years. My memory clearly suffers for them.
It was a different ULC employee who e-mailed me misinformation and unrealistic alternatives regarding continuation of treatment, followed by a lack of response when I requested specifics.
I was confused by the accusations of other complainers who thought Michelle was the owner of ULC. The Better Business Bureau has a different name for the owner.
I strongly suggest you look there.
I need to know why Michelle is being accused by these other individuals.
Please advise, as this is very important.
[email protected]
February 5, 2009
Abrupt closing
I bought a package of eight (8) laser hair removal for my face. I received my first treatment @ 40 exchange. I called to schedule my second, I was told they were going to relocate and I would have to use there midtown location. Agreed, I had no choice scheduled my second one at 1775 Broadway. When I called to scheduled the next one, I got the run around, the story that they were going to merge with another company, and that I will be contacted in the next two (2) weeks. A month went by, when I called they had gone out of bussiness. They closed down and took everybody's money. So unfair. Now, my treatment is incomplete, will have to go to another center and get more money...
February 1, 2009
Paid $9,000...Horrible Treatment!
I began laser hair removal treatments with Dr. Shel Wellness & Medical Spa in August 2006. I purchased a full body hair removal package (arms, underarms, face, back, stomach, buttocks, bikini, legs) which cost me $9, 000 in installments over 4 months. She did my first treatment and told me that she would be in the room during all of my treatments. I hardly saw her after my first session, unless it was time to make my payment. She must have found it much easier to just TELL my laser specialist what settings I should be on without even looking at my hair or progress, because that's exactly what she did thereafter. I could tell that I wasn't getting results by my 4th or 5th treatment, and notified her immediately. After even a year I had only reached minimal reduction. I had meetings with her, my laser specialist, even the Cutera representative and at that time she promised to get me to a certain percentage of hair reduction (only in a few body parts) and we came up with new ways to do this. Now, she did follow through for some months, and for that I was grateful. However, I was still not getting anywhere near my goal. After she moved into her new office on Hwy 6, I went in only for the second time and after my laser specialist and I passed by her office, she called her in to speak to her. After a few minutes the laser specialist came back and said that "Dr. Shel" said there is nothing more they can do! I asked what happened to our plan and when she couldn't answer my question, I asked if I could meet Dr. Shel to discuss this. I was told that she's with someone...her office was empty when I walked by. I said I would wait, and in an attempt to throw me out of the office, I was told that she was booked all day and wouldn't have time to meet with me at all. I had no choice but to leave. I called back a few times the next week, leaving her messages asking her to call me. I never got a call back..from anyone at the office. The next time I called back, I got a new receptionist on the line who apparently didn't know my situation and I managed to get an appointment to speak with Dr. Shel. On the day of my appointment, my laser specialist called me and left a voicemail saying, "I wanted to schedule a phone call instead of a meeting, I don't know what you need to meet her for, I told you everything there was." I was so upset I didn't know what to do, but I just wanted to get a copy of my file for my records. They gave me hell for that too. I was pushed around, lied to, and constantly tested, not to mention completely HUMILIATED! The new manager got in my face, was rude and refused to let me see her. After the cancellation on my appointment with her, I didn't even want to see her, all I was there for this time, was for my copy of MY file. And they weren't giving it to me. I finally had to throw a tantrum and I actually began crying because I was being treated like a crook. One of the nurses from her husbands dentist office (the same building) came to calm me down. She spoke to the manager and a few minutes later he came out with the copy of my file. I saw Dr. Shel once that time, when she walked out to talk to the manager. She looked at me and waived, as if she was oblivious to the whole situation. That is just bad business ethics and plain foolish that she didn't have the courtesy to speak to me just once in person. Bottom line, I didn't get what I paid for, I was humiliated and neglected because my treatments weren't working. Today, 6 months later and close to $10, 000 less, I am still waxing my full body every 4 weeks-just as before the treatments, my face more frequently. Now i'm not at all saying that everybody will have a bad experience or bad treatment. However, I do say that keep in mind before getting any procedure from their clinic that results do vary from person to person, so keep in mind the possible chance of not being satisfied along with my experience and then decide if it is something that you would want to go through.
July 22, 2008
Laser burns
[email protected]
Hair Removal.
Hello my name is Mandy I am a model and actress. A couple of years ago I would never have dreamed of having laser hair removal. I am not particularly hairy, but about 4 years ago a friend of mine had been having IPL treatments in the UK. I was surprised at how silky her skin felt and how smooth it was and I thought “wow, I would love to have skin like that”. My skin itself was smooth and is very soft, and I normally shave my legs once every month, but the thought of never having to shave and having silky smooth skin was very tempting. I thought of it and decided I will try the treatment some day. I researched several sites and found information on lasers; I also found sites claiming to perform the procedure on darker skin types. I did not think much of it until when in 2005; I landed in the USA from London. I was in California and there were dozens of adverts for laser hair removal in the local newspapers. Eventually I went online and found one that seemed very reputable. I called and told them about my concerns being darker skinned and the fact that I know not all lasers can be used on darker skin types. They assured me they had a machine that would do just fine. I booked an appointment and straight away they took a deposit (half the cost of the procedure) from me on the phone. If I had known what was to come I should have thought twice.
The Treatment.
It was mid afternoon on the 21st September 2005; I drove to the particular laser clinic on Santa Monica Boulevard. My first impression when I got there was one of it being very professional establishment. After all they had half my money for the procedure already. I was told to sit in the reception and wait. After about 20mins waiting time a doctor came out and took me in an office asked me some questions about my health and then said he can perform the procedure. I asked him about a patch test which he claimed was not necessary. What did I know...? I proceeded to go into a separate room with an aesthetician. The aesthetician told me to strip waist down and put a cool gel on my legs. She then started to use the machine called LightSheer to perform the procedure. She said it would be like an elastic band hitting my skin. The first time the tip touched my skin I screamed. She continued and said that this was normal. I screamed all through the treatment. She gave me large ice bags to cool the skin as she went along with the laser probe, but it was terribly painful. In the end I had to stop her after a leg and a half and said I could not bear the pain any more. She decided I come back to do the other half leg. I got up and put on my clothes and went to the reception to pay. At the reception my legs started to tremble and I lost balance (it was only later I was told this was a response from my body being in shock from the laser burns). I was taken into the doctors’ office where I was given more ice packs to put on my legs and lay there for an hour. I was then allowed to go home. I was given Ice packs to take home. I still remember my legs burning up as I drove home in the car. My legs felt like they were going to catch fire. When I got home there were blisters right along my legs. My cleaning lady saw them and helped me get in bed. I collapsed and woke up the next morning.
The Dr. Had told me to come back 2 days later for the other half of the leg. When I got there I showed him my blisters and he told me “this is normal and will disappear after 6 weeks”. They asked to do the other half leg and like a fool I let them. This time the Doctor changed the settings but I was in pain again. I left the place with an Ice bag on my legs all over again and blisters.
Pain and Suffering.
I stayed at home for 6 days till my blisters burst, I could not wear tight jeans or any tight clothing. It was during this time a friend advised I take pictures and sue the doctor. I had never sued anyone in my life so did not know where to start. I called several lawyers and eventually found one who decided to take the case. The first thing he did when I arrived at his office, he made a video recording of my legs. It looked horrible on live video. He also took photos.
In the meantime my legs were totally disfigured. I cannot wear shorts or skirts and I have severe discoloration it all seemed like it was all going downhill. I went to see a plastic surgeon who said there was nothing he could do, but if I waited for my legs to heal he could try and treat the scaring. I decided to see a therapist as I became very anxious, nervous and totally paranoid about my legs.
During my visits to the therapist we discussed everything about my life and how it relates to my legs. As a model, I could not work anymore, my agent was appalled at the site of my legs and they just could not get me bookings with legs like that. I had come to LA to try and start an acting career which now also seemed like it had to come to a standstill. I packed my bags and headed back to London and as I could not get any acting work with the state my legs were in. Everyone was horrified when I got back at the site of my legs. They were all very shocked that such a thing could happen from a simple hair removal procedure. I also went to see a couple of hair removal places in the UK and in the USA who told me they would never dream of using a Lightsheer machine on my skin type.
The Law Suit.
I decided that no matter what I must seek compensation in this case and that no matter what I must win. My lawyer in the USA started to get the case together and I researched more and more on the internet. We started filling in 2005 and slowly things started to take shape. First I had to attend a deposition and state what happened, then my lawyers had to get the aestheticians deposition and the doctors’ deposition. There were two separate aestheticians and each had performed the hair removal procedure. They both had to be deposed. I was also asked by the defendants to provide all work receipts for the last 6 years. The defendants’ lawyers wanted everything on me. I managed to get letters from clients, old accounts, job contracts and much more to use in my case. By this time a year had gone past and when we finally got our first court date we were asked to go to mediation first. The plaintiffs refused to settle or offer any money at all at the mediation. Our court date was also moved by the plaintiff as they claimed they needed more time.
My attorneys in the mean time were working hard on my case and found an expert witness who was a laser specialist. She said the burns were very bad and that the doctor was most likely incompetent with the machine. However as fate would have it she dropped out of the case due to other problems with her personal life. It was at this time my lawyer found Dr .B who was a highly respected expert in the laser field. He finally confirmed to my lawyers what we had suspected all along. That the wave length of this particular machine is not suitable for darker skin types IV –VI on the Fitzpatrick scale. The question is why was Lumenis advertising LightSheer as “good for all skin types”? I finally put two and two together and realized that this was the exact reason a lot of aestheticians did not use the machine on darker skin types as they were scared it may burn them. In 2008 we were heading for court in May.
With the new evidence however and the expert witness the plaintiffs were scared. They called us in for another mediation to try to come to a conclusion on the matter. My attorneys were definitely ready for court. Especially with our new expert witness who did not come cheap. Our Mediation was set for May2nd, which was just 4 days before the May 5th court date. We were very sure we will win our case in court with all the new circumstantial evidence we had. On May 2nd we went to mediation where the plaintiffs ended up settling the law suit to the tune of $425, 000. I was happy, I won. But I knew even though the doctor was at fault, the company that manufactures the machine is also at fault. I have taken it upon myself to go after them. If we join in a class action we can all take them together? If your life has been ruined by lasers you deserve compensation...
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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