Latashia "The Phoney" Mrsworkinitout Alexander is a lying scammer who is getting good at getting over on desperate people who want to lose weight.
She found me on and after just one date I stupidly believed her lies. She showed me "before" pictures and held them up to her "now" face as she giggled and flirted. I'm not even sure if her before pictures are actually even her. She may have not ever even been over weight in the passed.
I bought two work out videos and a supplement powder called Shakeology. Both of them were super expensive but like I said, a giggle and a flirt from a determined female got one over on me.
I rapidly learned that her Team Beach Body operation is a pyramid scheme and the products are over priced and over hyped. Stay far away from this deceptive business (and I use that term lightly) person.