I had ProLawn Plus services for over 18 months. My Lawn continued to deteriorate, until I had more weeds than lawn. After repeated calls to complain, and telling them I was not paying anymore until the problem was corrected, they sent someone out to retreat the Lawn and Shrubs and then Billed me for the service. When I told them I was not paying for services that they had admitted were not properly performed, they turned my bill over to a collection agency which has now harassed me for over 6 months despite my telling them that I would not be paying.
ProLawns service resulted in my having to cut down many of my shrubs and having to spend additional money to control the weeds in my yard (which by the way, I was able to do even though they were not)
They have also since removed their guarantee from their website, which was there when I subscribed to their service. In my opinion, no one should have anything to do with this company.