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lazata Reviews

romsgirl December 28, 2010
fake Louis Vuitton
These are authentic fakes. I found a link and this is what says about themselves.
Lazata Handbags are the highest quality, most authentic looking designer replica handbags you will ever see! Don't be fooled by cheap falling apart Designer Replicas made with the wrong materials with the incorrect size and color. We have just what you are looking for without having to spend thousands for a genuine Louis Vuitton bag which looks exactly as our replica handbags. Our Lazata Louis Vuitton handbags have every single details that an authentic handbag would have, so stop your search be convinced we are the best with superb Customer service and best Designer Replicas you will ever see!

Our Replica handbags are becoming increasingly popular as ladies around the world try to achieve latest fashion style without spending thousands of dollars on one genuine designer handbag. And as replica bags gain popularity there are more and more online businesses selling designer replica purses and fake handbags. This means that you need to know that you can trust the online replica bag retailer that you're buying from. Lazata is listed on top when selling replica designer handbags.

The designer replica handbags that you wear can make all the difference when it comes to your personal fashion and styling. Replica handbags let you complete your fashion look without spending thousands of dollars. Not all ladies can afford such high prices on genuine designers. Our Designer Replicas lets you master your fashion wardrobe while still staying within your budget.

So yeah they are authentic alright. Authentic fakes. I still wait for a credit to appear on my card charge. Hopefully if enough credit cards get taken, they will put these people out of business. Sales person said they are authentic and that she did not want to argue with me and that she would credit the card. My account on Lazata shows credit given but my card still does not show the credit. DO NOT BUY FROM THESE PEOPLE. They will tell you that negative posts are from their competitors. Believe me, this is a real post from a real person and not their competitor. Not this many people would complain if it wasn't true. The small number of positive posts are from lazata themselves. It's CRAP!

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